**^^ SparKel ^^** profile picture

**^^ SparKel ^^**

*^^WhY iS iT tHaT wHeN yOu tHiNk YoU fOuNd SoMeOne SpEciAl iT tUrNs oUt To bE tHaT hE aInT aLl tHaT

About Me

Hey my name is Melissa I'm Dominican born in Harlem NY raised in Providence Rhode Island and now live in Orlando FL. I'm in the Army currently stationed in Germany. Doing it BIG.. I just want to tell My Fam I miss them and love them. Anything else you want to know just get at me...found this stars layout at HOT FreeLayouts.com

My Interests

...Isnt he Adorable
a LiL aBouT Me..
NaMe: MeLiSsa
NiCkNaMeZ: MeLi
AgE: 22
GeNdEr: MuJer
StRaiGht/GaY/Bi: StrAighT
BiRthDaY: JulY 18 1984 BabY
BiRtHpLaCe: HarleM NY
CuRrEnT LoCaTiOn: Weisbaden GermanY
HeiGhT: 5'7
HaiR CoLoR: BrowN
EyE CoLoR: BroWn
ThiNk YoUr AtTraCtiVe: YeS
CoNtAcTs/GLaSsEs?: NOne
SmOkE/DriNk?: DraNk
BeEn AtTraCteD tO ThE sAme SeX?: NopE
EvEr BeEn DruNk?: FucK YeaH DamN
EvEr BeEn HiGh?: Ummm How tO asWer ThaT
PoPpEd PiLLs?: UUmmmm
ArE yOu A ViRGiN?: Na
EvEr WaTcHeD PoRnO?: YeaH KinDa
Do YoU LiKe iT?: Its oK
ArE YoU a FrEeK-A-LeEk oR jUs NoRmaL?: Lol Ummm
FeTiShEs: uMmmm
AsTrOLoGiCaL SiGn: CanCer
FeArs: A FamilY MemBer PasSinG AwaY
EvEr TaLk To YoUrSeLf?: AlL The tiMe.. yOu HavE 2!!!
Do YoU CuRsE aLoT?: sUm TimEs
ArE YoU GuLLaBLe?: nOpe
DeMoCrAt/RePubLiCaN: CanT sAy
ShY oR OuTgOiNg: oUtgoIng
NaUgHtY oR NiCe: BoTh
ReMeMbEr YoUr 1sT kiSs?: AwwW Yes :)
WhEn WaS iT?: i WaS 7 i liVed In RI
EvEr SnUck OuT tHe HoUse?: MaN Did I..
EvEr SkiPpEd ScHoOL?: YuP
EvEr ShOpLiFtEd?: Na
GoT CauGht?:
LiEd To A fRiEnD?: NoT a TruE frIenD
LiEd To A Bf/Gf?: UmmM YeaH bUt I haD tO
ChEaTed On A Bf/Gf?: NopE
BeEn iN a FiSt FiGhT?: YeaH......
TyPe Of MuSiC YoU pReFeR?: aLL But cunTry
iN A GuY/GiRL..
BLoNde/BrUnEtTe: BruneTTe
EyE CoLoR: DoEsn'T maTtEr
TyPe oF pErSoNaLiTy: OutgOinG and HilaRiouS
StYLe: I LikE thE PreTty Boy wiTh tHe ThuGed oUt LoOk
HeIgHt: TallEr thaN mE
SHy Or OuTgOiNg?: outGoinG
AsShOLe BuT gOrGeOus oR SweEthEaRt BuT UgLy(iSh)?: I'lL TaKe tHe asShoLe
ThiS oR THaT..
StAy iNsiDe oR gO oUt?: OuT
FaT FrEe Or FULL oF CaRbs?: CarBs
StRaWbERriEs PLaiN oR w/ WhiPpEd CreAm And ChoCoLaTE?: w/ WhiPPed crEaM anD chOcOlaTe
FaSt FoOD oR HoMECOoKiNg?: hoMecoOkiNg
NiGhT oR DaY?: DepEnds
MaKE-OuT oR CuDdLe?: depEnDs
SLoW DaNce Or FrEeKy?: dEpenDs
FaSt oR sLoW?: DePeNds


I'd like to meet:

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My Brothers Damn i MISS YA. LUV YA!!!!!This is my little big brother performin with his boyz!!MY GOD SON!!! YUP HE IS FINALLY HERE!!!Damn Hes talented. LUV YA!!!!...


I listen to evertything except country music. My favorite artist are NAS, Common, Talib Kweli, D Block, Kanye ect....


Your Birthdate: July 18
You are a cohesive force - able to bring many people together for a common cause.
You tend to excel in work situations, but you also facilitate a lot of social gatherings too.
Beyond being a good leader, you are good at inspiring others.
You also keep your powerful emotions in check - you know when to emote and when to repress.

Your strength: Emotional maturity beyond your years

Your weakness: Wearing yourself down with too many responsibilities

Your power color: Crimson red

Your power symbol: Snowflake

Your power month: September What Does Your Birth Date Mean?