♥Therese♥ profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

If Your Stomach Is Weak
Then My Work Here Is Done


I've gotten where I've been trying to go for the past two years of not caring about what people say and for most people in general. Say what you will, nothing seems to phase me anymore. I have those that I feel I need in my life and if you feel any different, please for once just save your breath and fuck off.

My Interests

♥All nighters
♥Heart to hearts with friends
♥Belting songs out with the windows down
♥Camel cash for my Camel canoe
♥Boys with blue eyes, especially one boy in particular
♥The smell of summer
♥Summer time
♥4th of July
♥Cotton candy bubble gum
♥Random texts/calls
♥Holding hands
♥Kisses on the forehead
♥All types of music
♥Being a lightweight
♥Laughing until I cry
♥People who don’t hold back
♥Getting that giddy feeling only one person can give you
♥Smoking the hookah
♥Bright colors
♥Driving aimlessly
♥Sleeping in
♥Dressing up
♥Ben & Jerry’s Half Baked
♥Mexican food
♥MGD 40s

°Indecisive people
°Egotistical fucks
°Passive aggressive behavior (just fuckin say something if you have a problem)
°Not seeing friends as much
°Strict parentals
°Cold weather
°Driving in the snow or rain
°Getting let down
°Being a disappointment to others
°Being woken up…unless it’s an emergency
°Being overly sensitive
°Being so short
°Rubber bands
°Guns being pointed at me
°Bridges with water underneath them
°Fighting with people I care about
°Being alone
°Getting stuck at home
°Walking over those vents in the ground in Chicago
°Sneezing while driving
°When people do things because others tell them to, not because they want to
°People with no backbone
°Two faced shitheads

"die." - ..11 Mitsuko

Which Battle Royale Character are You?
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I'd like to meet:

Irony of love is loving the right person at the wrong time and having the wrong person when the time is right and finding out you love someone right after that person walks out of your life.

Sometimes, you think you're already over a person, but when you see them smile at you, you'll suddenly realize that you're just pretending to be over them just to ease the pain of knowing that they will never be yours again. For some, they think that letting go is one way of expressing how much you love the person.

Most relationships tend to fail not because of the absence of love, love is always present. Its just that one was being loved too much and the other was being loved too little. We all know that the heart is the center of the body but it beats on the left. Maybe thats the reason why the heart is not always right.

So here's a piece of advice: Let go when you're hurting too much. Give up when love isn't enough, and move on when things are not like before.

Send Me A Message

Who are you to judge the life I live? I know I'm not perfect and I don't live to be, but before you start pointing fingers make sure your hands are clean

Words From Others


My music collection pretty much consists of Dashboard, Brand New, The Postal Service, Taking Back Sunday, Blink, MSI, Motion City Soundtrack, Panic!, and some others...OH and I like to dance and sing along to 80's new wave because I'm just that cool and there's just something about 90's alternative music...I can probably sing along to just about anything, thanks to my daddy


Go, Donnie Darko, Requiem For A Dream, Sin City, Spun, Finding Nemo, The Dangerous Lives of Altar Boys, Halloween, The Goonies, A Christmas Story, Mallrats, Monsters Inc., Reservoir Dogs, Chasing Amy, Can't Hardly Wait, Closer, Ten Things I Hate About You, Seven, American Beauty, Pretty In Pink, The Breakfast Club, Say Anything, Sixteen Candles, High Fidelity, The Virgin Suicides, Almost Famous,


That 70's Show, The Wonder Years, Boy Meets World, Laguna Beach, Desperate Housewives, Friends, Everybody Loves Raymond, Will & Grace, Law & Order SVU, Grey's Anatomy


I'm trying to get back into reading...


Wanting to be a part of this little girl's life and watch her grow up is the only thing that keeps me going day to day

He's the only one that hasn't given up on me and one of the few people that knows how to handle me. There's nothing that I can say or do that will ever let him know how much he means to me.

And there are these two assholes..my god, what love-hate relationships. When it comes down to it, I don't know where I'd be without either one of them and life wouldn't be complete. These are the other two that know how to handle me and have my held my hand through everything. I am forever grateful.

My Blog

Woman Law

Woman Law 1. No woman shall purposely cause her thong to ride up above her pants in order to attract male attention, its just trashy. 2. No woman should apply makeup BEFORE going to work out at the...
Posted by ♥Therese♥ on Fri, 02 Feb 2007 01:08:00 PST

survey and a surprise at the bottom

[Life] -They call me: Therese -Status: taken -Occupation: college student and WAIIITTTTAAAA -Best friend(s): josh [Rewind] -My first breath of air: september 5 1986 -Most memorable memory: i have a l...
Posted by ♥Therese♥ on Mon, 22 Jan 2007 02:19:00 PST


Tell me where our time went And if it was time well spent Just don't let me fall asleep Feeling empty again Cause I fear I might break and I fear I can't take it Tonight I'll lie awake feeling empty...
Posted by ♥Therese♥ on Tue, 12 Dec 2006 03:36:00 PST

mmm whatcha say?

boredfuckingannoyeddontreallywanttobearoundsomepeoplesameold sameoldidontknowwhyanddontreallycaretoactuallyidoknowwhyandi tsnottheirfaultsoitechnicallycantbeabitchbutitsstillhardnott oshowthatimirritated...
Posted by ♥Therese♥ on Fri, 27 Oct 2006 03:28:00 PST

I'm not trying to make anyone out to be the bad guy

I dont know how to begin writing this so I'm just gonna babble and hopefully it'll all make sense...The way how some people have been acting lately has given me insight on how other people would or wo...
Posted by ♥Therese♥ on Thu, 25 May 2006 02:44:00 PST


You may not be her first, last or only...she's loved before and she may love again...BUT if she loves you now, what else matters? She's not perfect- - - you aren't either. If she can make you laugh an...
Posted by ♥Therese♥ on Thu, 20 Apr 2006 04:29:00 PST

dome to the extreme

i am...annoyedfrustratedbored with the lack of stuff i do around herewishing some people would get the clue about some things...^^mainly with things that are stupid and im just being selfish about^^ye...
Posted by ♥Therese♥ on Fri, 14 Apr 2006 12:32:00 PST

Pichurr Storee

The night started off nice and slow at my casa with Pascolicious.  It proceeded of us getting ready, Straylight Run, and my random jumping on her back and ass and humping the shit out of her.&nbs...
Posted by ♥Therese♥ on Wed, 05 Apr 2006 09:55:00 PST

It's Gonna Come Across Harsh..

But just think about it...Stolen from www.askheychris.com: "hey chris, why am i such a moron at relationships?Immaturity is the act of compromising yourself in an unhealthy relationship. This isn't ro...
Posted by ♥Therese♥ on Thu, 16 Feb 2006 12:50:00 PST

SuMMeR TiME & tHe LiviN's EaSy...belated I know

Some stuff might be from after school started, but I don't care, it was summer to me. TEN Things You Did This Summer01 Started working at Booby Tuesdays02 Began hanging out with Chad & Lee again03...
Posted by ♥Therese♥ on Mon, 03 Oct 2005 02:10:00 PST