This section is supposedly where I let the world in on the person that I am. Well, when I figure it out I'll let you know. I do know however that movies and music are my life. Not just any movie, though, hopefully the film you choose for me to watch would have some classic value. However, I will never refuse a movie, if it truly is a poor excuse for art I can decide that for myself. I listen to music as often as I can. By music I mean anything and everything, except that I am not really partial to screamo, even though I will listen to it. I seem to be a classic rock(The Beatles), Disney, Oldies but Goodies kind of girl. And I think that I'll stay that way. I hold my friends in the highest regard. It takes a lot for me to trust a human being so if you have since received that trust, congratulations, you are one of the few. I need people around me that I can bounce ideas off of and who aren't afraid to let me know when an idea has gone sour. They don't have to like the same things that I do but they must respect them. However, a fondness for feeding the rabbits gives you a point boost. If you don't have an insight to who I am by now, then you haven't closely read between the lines.
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