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My band "BT3" is a dream which came true. Formed by three musicians who found each other; Breno Teixeira, Marko Leo and Ricardo Blasch.
Its proposal is to performance heavy and groovy songs with metal and instrumental rock influences.
With all their experiences, BT3 looks for technique and melodic excellence in order that the music can be appreciated by any rock fan and not only by musicians.
Among all the things the band has done the most important was the opening for the guitar hero Joe Satriani in Curitiba/PR – Brazil in July 2008.
Breno Teixeira is a guitar teacher/player/composer from Brazil.
In 2001, he released an independent instrumental guitar CD, called "Love In 3 Acts", that had great repercussion at the specialized press. He had reviews on "Guitar Player Brazil's" Spotlight, "Guitar Class", "Metalhead", "Rodie Crew", "Rock Brigade" and "Cover Guitarra".
Check some reviews about it:
Guitar Player Brazil - "... Curitiba's guitarist Breno Teixeira release his demo CD showing punch, energy, good techniques and creative ideas"
Rock Brigade - "Breno plays damn good! It's not a surprise that he started teaching by the age of 17, once that his technique is tremendous. Besides that, in this release he shows great creativity in some effects and harmonic solutions"
Guitar Class - "... Influenced by guitarists like Steve Vai, Joe Satriani and others, Breno Teixeira presents his compositions in a instrumental rock style, with distorted and heavy guitar playing, many times playing guitar riffs with drums. The best feature of this demo CD is the distorted guitar sounds"
Metalhead - "Another guitarist gets focus in Brazil There's not too much to tell about. Nice instrumental songs, advisable to guitar lovers."
Rodie Crew - "All the presented tracks show the musician's versatility and good sense in the instruments sounds"
Cover Guitarra - "The guitarist didn't spare creativity and experiment in his demo CD. Love in 3 Acts is a clearly rock influenced work, showing lots of the musicians good taste"
In 2002, he was invited to make his first guitar workshop in Curitiba's (Brazil) biggest music store. The event was a big success and gave him the chance to do many other workshops, clinics, and concerts around the city and the country.
In 2004, he sign an endorsement contract with "Meteoro Amplifier". A well known guitar amplifier brand in Brazil and many places around the world. In 2005, he sign another endorsement deal, with SG (Sound Generation) guitar strings. In 2006, he sign with Di Castelli's Guitars. In 2007 with HelloCases and The Light Pick(USA). And most recently with Power Click.
In Feb/2008, Breno appears on an interview at Guitar Player (Brazil) issue talking about his new album "Ignited!". "Teixeira is an example that's possible to play instrumental rock without repeat yourself."
Nowadays, he continue giving guitar classes, product clinics, making workshops and shows with his trio.
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Phone: 55 41 8442-6701
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O “BT3†é a realização do sonho de músicos que realmente se "acharam", Breno Teixeira, Marko Leo e Ricardo Blasch.
A proposta do trio é apresentar composições com muito peso e groove com influências de rock, metal e música instrumental.
Aliado a toda bagagem de seus integrantes, o "BT3" busca excelência técnica e melódica, afim de que, suas músicas sejam apreciadas por qualquer fã de rock, e não somente por músicos.
Dentre as várias realizações da banda está à abertura do show do mestre da guitarra “Joe Satriani†em Curitiba/PR (Julho/2008).
Breno Teixeira é guitarrista, compositor e professor de música em Curitiba – PR, desde 1995.
Foi destaque em várias revistas nacionais recebendo crÃticas muito positivas com o lançamento do seu CD demo instrumental, “Love in 3 Acts†de 2001.
Guitar Player (...Destaca-se em seu trabalho uma economia de solos, privilegiando as linhas melódicas e riffs poderosos...)
Guitar Class (...O ponto alto desta demo é o timbre das guitarras distorcidas...)
Rodie Crew (...As 10 faixas apresentadas mostram toda a versatilidade do músico, além do bom gosto na timbragem do instrumento...)
Rock Brigade (...Breno toca pra cacete! Nem chega a espantar a informação de que ele começou a dar aulas aos 17 anos, já que sua técnica é espantosa...)
Cover Guitarra (...O guitarrista não poupou criatividade e experimentação em seu CD demo...)
Metalhead (...Mais um guitarrista ganha destaque no Brasil...).
Em 2007, lançou seu primeiro trabalho oficial, o CD de rock instrumental “Ignited!â€. Este trabalho foi destaque na revista Guitar Player em fevereiro de 2008, mais uma vez com crÃticas muito positivas.
Além disso, Breno divide seu tempo entre uma requisitada agenda de aulas, workshops, shows e clÃnicas.
Recentemente, Breno realizou o sonho de milhares de guitarristas do mundo inteiro quando fez a abertura do show de Joe Satriani um dos maiores mestres da guitarra mundial, em sua cidade natal Curitiba-PR.
Seu mais novo projeto é a banda de rock instrumental Breno Teixeira Trio, formado por Ricardo Blasch na bateria e Marko Leo no baixo. “O objetivo do trio é apresentar meu trabalho de guitarrista e compositor e atingir um público vasto formado não somente por músicos.â€
Breno Teixeira usa e, é endorsee das marcas: Meteoro Amplifier, SG Strings, Guitarras Di Castelli’s, HelloCases, Power Click e The Light Pick (EUA).