You Are Tequilla
When you drink, you're serious about getting drunk!
You'll take any shot that's offered up to you...
Even if it tastes like sock sweat!
And you're never afraid of eating the worm.
What alcoholic drink are you?
ahh the great music question...well im quite versitile...although right now my top are ICP(for anger management), we got the Red Hot Chili Peppers(just cause they are long lasting and o so good), Crash Test Dummies(good to study too), we got 3 doors down: the better life( for running), umm right now im listing to a lil AC/DC hell bells...hell, yeah that where im giong, and Ludacis (he is THE HOTTEST man alive hands down) yeah so your not reading anyways and if you are LMAO!!! o for snoop, you cant make a ho a housewife...thats right im gonna run the corporate world...saitan wiling
i dont go to the movies, they make me sleep...
ok so TV is like the movies, but i do like Aqua Teen Hunger Force, and MeatBall is the quteist!!!(he reminds me of me) shake reminds me of my bro...always scammin, but still funny and cool as can be, and frylock...well he reminds me of my friend SEM, way smarter then anyone around, and more down to earth... but needs someone else to help her loosen up...THATS OK SEM THATS WHY IM HERE!!!! LOVE YA!!!!!!
umm HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAAHHAHAHA...who said reading was for losers? well its not for losers its for people who can sit still, and i cant so roll on you sitting readers roll on