On the heels of a string of successful dates including LA's Crash Mansion, Central Park in NYC, The Jazz Cafe & Jazz Refreshed in London, RAMP is officially back with it's original line-up and instrumentation!Our story begins in Cincinnati back in 1975, when Sibel Thrasher and Sharon Matthews became our lead vocalists, Landy Shores joined us on guitar, Nate White played the bass and John Manuel played the drums and was the bandleader.In the winter of 1976, we opened up for Roy Ayers and he signed us on the spot! In 1977, our debut album, Come Into Knowledge, quietly hit the shelves.Today, with the help of A Tribe Called Quest, Erykah Badu, Common, PM Dawn, Mark De Clive-Lowe and others, RAMP is attracting a broader fan base. After packed performances in New York, London & L.A., we've been requested to appear in Japan, Australia and Europe.In February 2008, we toured Europe for the second time and rocked houses in Hannover (Germany), Dresden (Germany), Berlin (Germany), Paris (France) and made our second appearance in London (UK). We thank each and every one of you who came out to support us - we love you all!If you are interested in booking, signing, performing with, or
interviewing RAMP, please call our office at 202-262-6274 or e-mail [email protected]. Thanks everyone!
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Limited Edition RAMP T-Shirts are here!! For just $25.00 US (shipping included), you can own our official, high quality, 100% cotton, simple and classy shirt! Just pick your size (M, L, XL, XXL), and click on "Add to Cart" button to the right of the picture above! You can also send a check or money order for $25.00 US, with your size, to: RAMP, 6025 Stage Road, Suite 42-105, Memphis, TN 38134. Thanks!RAMP PERFORMING LIVE @ LONDON'S LEGENDARY "JAZZ RE:FRESHED"
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