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About Me

CLICK HERE TO VISIT THE AUTOMATIC RESPONSE WEB SITEWell there is nothing simple about me. Yes I am a dancer, a student, a friend, a teacher, a performer, a bgirl and a lot of other things but all in all I am just me. Everyone calls me Bonita with the exception of a few...but if you dont' know me then it's Miss Bonita to you!!! I love to dance and that is usually what I am doing if I don't answer my phone otherwise I'm kicking it with my baby, Ryan. We dierct a professional performance company in Phoenix, Automatic Response "AZF", and also run All the Right Moves, our hip-hop after school program. I am a member or the world famous ROCK STEADY CREW, and I am so blessed to be a part of such a tremendous family. I love to bgirl and that is something that can never be replaced. I love to perform and that will always be in my heart. And I love to teach and pass on what I have been taught. If there is anything I am passionate about it is my dancing and I don't know who I am without it. I am a very fortunate person and I am thankful for all the people who have helped me get to where I am today. There are not just a few.. The list goes on and on and on..... If you know me, you know I love to smile, laugh and be a complete dork a lot of the time!

My Interests

Bgirling, training, practicing, taking dance classes, teaching, choreographing, traveling, dancing some more and loving every moment of it! Reading, shopping, spending time with my family, watching movies, listening to music, and doing crunches! I love to hang out with my family and of course spend time with Ryan. Yes, I am lucky!

I'd like to meet:

I want to hook up with friends that I have lost touch with or people that I don't talk to on the regular. I don't have time for silly guys tryin got be cute...So don't waste your time. If you have something good to say then say it! And to all my other friends who are just trying to have some fun!


Man, this could get long but I wll make short: Janet Jackson, De La Soul, Africa Bambaata, Tribe, Nas, DJ Z-Trip, Roots, Mos Def, Dj Shadow, RJD2, 2-PAC, Cut Chemist, DJ Presto1, Micheal Jackson, Aretha Franklin, Ani Difranco, Morcheeba, Mariah Carey, Jagged Edge, Common, Kenye West, Mya, Talib Kweli, Eminen, Missy, Classic Hip-Hop, Ozomatli, all Breaks, James Brown, KRS-ONE, DJ Element, Funk, Oldies, and anything with a beat to groove to. I also do enjoy slow rock and pretty much everything except for country...I think that covers enough?


Cry Baby, Grease I & II, West Side Story, High School High, anything with Will Smith in it, Breakin' I & II, Warriors, City of God, Wild Style, Requim of a Dream, Brown Sugar, Freshest Kids, Flashdance, Beat Street, Saturday Night Fever, Shrek, Three Amigos, The Notebook, Rent, My Best Friends Wedding and that is all for right now....


Saved By the Bell, Fear Factor, Judge Joe Brown, Will and Grace, Oprah, Friends, Fresh Price of Belair, Family Guy, Simpsons, Elimadate, Street Smarts, Music Videos, Whose Line is it anyway? and some reality shows, they are just hard to keep up with if you miss an episode!


Really just the books I read for school...


Of course Jesus Christ and my parents for always guiding me and supporting me NO MATTER WHAT. My amazing brother Anthony who is quietly leads others and who has a beautiful heart. My lovely Nana Belen whose has raised me and seen me through it all. Me little doggy Canela and all of my family and friends that have stood by me from day one....You all make my world go round! I also want to thank my wonderful boyfriend, Ryan, for putting up with me ALL the time! I am so proud of all that he has accomplished and can't wait to see what the future holds for us! My heroes!

My Blog

PSP and Playstation 2 Sony Computer Entertainment Europe announces B-Boy

Breaking Comes to PSP and PlayStation 2 Sony Computer Entertainment Europe announces B-Boy, featuring Hip-Hop legend Crazy Legs of the Rock Steady Crew London, March 23, 2006 Whether youre a toprock m...
Posted by BonitaRSC on Mon, 17 Apr 2006 02:37:00 PST

The Creation of the Rock Steady Crew

THE CREATION OF THE ROCK STEADY CREW Written by Joe-Joe, The Original B.Boy, Rock Steady Crew '77 Founded in 1977, the crew's original name was the "Untouchable Four B.Boys". It consisted of four memb...
Posted by BonitaRSC on Fri, 17 Mar 2006 10:09:00 PST