give me a dope beat to ride and ill show u.. chillin with my nigs. splitin wigs. dirty tricks. apple pies. hiphop. chicken adobo. lumpia. roastin wack cats. big ballin and twallin.. chillin with the crew. coolin wit self made millionares. BATTLING! traveling. meetin REAL people. dranks are nice.. HOUSE DANCING when no one is watching. my 240 soon to be silvia. oh did i mention BBOYING? bboying and some more bboying..
look world im on the radio and u aint..
anything from Richard Pryor, Eddie Murphy, Jamie Foxx, Dave chappelle, Jim carry, and John i cant spell his last name, but the guy that played on the pest..gangster moviesand old school bruce lee and kung fu movies
lets see chapelle show, dragon ball gt yea i admitted it i watch it.. family guy most extream elmination u know that japanese show, the wire
the school bus
did u ever know that your my hero?