becoming a resident of california's canada. baking- can't cook but i love to bake. life shifting. learning to trust the good feelings in life again. reading. rocks. plants. i'm contemplating a second bachelors degree. maybe geology. maybe biology. maybe both. maybe followed by a masters degree in paleobotany. music. trying to extend my right arm all of the way. sleeping. dreaming. discussions about politics, social issues, global issues, the end of the world. zombies. comic books. watching movies. lately i have been very interested in my laptop. listening to people speak in french or spanish. it's fun when you only have a very limited vocabulary in those languages. being happy again. hugs. eating. learning to appreciate what other people think without worrying what they think about me. Kyla, Layla, Emery, Eden, Stella, and ------.
a badger and a rainbow.
i need it like i need air. sometimes even more than that.
ummm, i have netflix... i watch a lot of them. my newest favorite is the science of sleep. the warriors. kung fu hustle. horribly good movies.
makes children want things they shouldn't have.
are in a bunch of boxes in gardnerville.
david --- where has he gone? hopefully he'll come to reno and visit soon :)