Reading, Take care of my beautiful daughter Clara and my husband Mike!
July 23 - August 22Symbol: The Lion
Attributes: royalty, image, personable, social graces, love affairs, gambling
Personality: sociable, artistic, power-seeking
Planet: The Sun
The Sun is masculine. The Sun rules over will, pride, determination, ego, health and vitality.
Element: fire
Fire is a creative element characterized by energy and enthusiasm. It imparts courage and charisma with high ideals and spirituality. The fire element rules the primal life force. The fire element inspires Leos to be creative, often becoming painters of performers. Leos like to leave a personal mark on everything they do.
Quality & Season: Fixed summer. Leo maintains summer. This quality affects how Leo concentrates energy and solidifies ideas.
Day: Sunday
Number: 1
Colors: All those of sunrise and sunset
Stones: ruby, topaz, amber
Flowers: chrysanthemums, yellow rose
Animals: large cat, lions, tigers, panthers
Which of the Seven Deadly Sins consumes you?
Wrath- manifested in the individual who spurns love and opts instead for fury. It is also known as Anger.Symbolism-Color: RedAnimal: BearReason: You're wired for it. Also, everybody's so irritating!
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Collin Farrell
Anything and I truly mean that! I listen to country, rock, rap, dance/techno, oldies but goodies, and classical. I'm not a picky music listener!
Harry Potter, Pirates of the Carribean, anything chick flicky, anything action/comedy flicky, old movies like rear window and sabrina
All the CSI shows including NCIS, Dancing with the Stars, Nip and Tuck.
Harry Potter books and anything by Nora Roberts and Catherine Coulter
My mom!