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I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

love layout powered by HOT / MyHotCommentswhAt cAn I sAy... thErEs A lot tO knOw AbOUt mE... Im nOt yOUr typIcAl gAy bOy... Im dEEpEr thAn thAt... Im nOt A pArty bOy... All In thE clUbs All thE tImE... thAt dOEsnt mEAn I dOnt EnjOy gOIng tO clUbs...Im A vEry cArIng pErsOn... whEn I cArE AbOUt sOmEOnE... I shOw I cArE fOr rEAls... Im rEAlwhEn sOmEOnE cArEs AbOUt mE... whEn sOmEOnE trEAts mE rIght... whEn sOmEOnE shOws mE AffEctIOn.. Im All thEIrs...I lOvE AffEctIOn... Im thE rOmAntIc typE...Im fAmIly OrIEntEd... I lOvE my fAmIly... Im lUcky tO hAvE thEm... Im OpEn AbOUt my sExUAlIty... And my fAmIly lOVEs mE thE wAy I Am... Im lUcky thAt wAy...Im vEry fOrgIvIng... bUt I wOnt fOrgEt If yOU hUrt mE...I hAvE gOttEn hUrt... hUrt rEAlly bAd... bUt All thAt... hAs mAdE mE strOngEr...gEt tO knOw mE... bEfOrE yOU jUdgE mE... Only gOd cAn jUdgE mE...Im An OpEn bOOK... .. lostexitlatino yAhOO mEssEngEr: elexitlatinoWhen i walk away from you mad [ Follow me ]When i stare at your mouth [ Kiss me ]When i push you or hit you [Grab me and dont let go ]When im quiet [ Ask me whats wrong ]When i ignore you [ Give me your attention ]When i pull away [ Pull me back ]When you see me at my worst [ Tell me im beautiful ]When you see me start crying [ Hold me and tell me everything will be alright ]When you see me walking [ Sneak up and hug my waist from behind ]If i dont call you [ Its because im waiting for you to call me ]When im scared [ Protect me ]When i lay my head on your shoulder [ Tilt my head up and kiss me ]When i grab at your hands [ Hold mine and play with my fingers ]When i tease you [ Tease me back and make me laugh ]When i dont answer for a long time [ reassure me that everything is okay ]When i look at you with doubt [ Back yourself up ]When i say that i like you [ I really do more than you could understand ]When i bump into you [ bump into me back and make me laugh]When i tell you a secret [ keep it safe and untold]When i look at you in your eyes [ dont look away until i do]When i miss you [ im hurting inside ]When you break my heart [ the pain never really goes away ]When i say its over [ i still want you to be mine ]

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I wOUld lOvE tO mEEt...??? rEAl pEOple... hOnEst, sIncErE pEOple...frIEnds mAybE... Or mAybE mOrE... lOvE Is bEAUtIfUl...I wOUld lIkE tO fInd: sOmEOnE whO I cAn shArE my lIfE wIth... sOmEOnE whO cAn bE hOnEst wIth mE... sOmEOnE whO I cAn tAlk tO AbOUt EvErythIng... sOmEOnE whO wIll bE thErE whEn Im fEElIng sAd/hAppy... sOmEOnE whO I cAn bAsIcAlly cAll my Own...I nOt lOOkIng fOr fOOls... Or twO fAcEs... bE hOnEst... bE yOUr Own... dOnt pUt A fAcE jUst fOr mE tO lIkE yOU...

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