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ANYTHING other then RAP
5th element Garden State
Lost and The office
James Patterson, Greg Isle and J.K Rowling
Lindsay: We are truly bestfriends.
Riley: We have been through EVERYTHING a friendship can go through, and we are still amazing friends. You being my friend means so much to me I would not give it up for the world.
Bray: I love you! You're my best neighbor I have ever had. You're the best dude!
Will: Our friendship used to be so awkward to me haha But I'm so glad I have you as a friend. You're amazingly funny and I know I always tell you when I'm drunk but honestly I think you are funnier then me. When ever we are hanging out in a group and you're not there I always try and call you to get you to come, because I always have that much more fun when you are there.
Austin: As much as you think we compete about everything, most of the time I honestly dont care I do it for the fun of things. You have been one of my best friends for soooo long and I love you everyday man!