About Me
Oki! = shit
Nylon Motion = other shit
Holy Monster = pretty shit
motion graphics, animation projects, illustration, "art," posters, album covers, websites, t-shirts, flyers, music videos, ...
desperately trying to stay alive in one city. eagerly awaiting the next thrilling adventure in others. i've been around the world and I, I, I, I can't find my baby. i travel. everybody says they love it, but i do it. Do NOT be a tourist, be a traveller...
foreign countries/cities i've explored (in no particular order): London, Scotland, Brussels, Amsterdam, Copenhagen, Berlin, Paris, Panama, Taiwan, China, Bali, Japan, Hong Kong, Bangkok, British Columbia. more to come...
Europe 2001 Photos and Journal (waaaaay back in the day)
John Muir Trail 2001 Photos (200 mile backpacking trip ending at Mt. Whitney, with my pops (apologies for the horrible design and never coming sections...))
Asia Trip 2005 Photos
Panama 2006 Photos
Panama 2006 Vids
I shower daily.
I'm very very very very very very busy these days. Ask my friends. Oh wait, they've left me because i'm very very very very very very very very very busy these days...
And I'm a big fan of ellipses... Obviously...
More about me? Please, ask.
Damn, how I try to fight the good fight...
Da Basics
Full Name Geoffrey Shoichi Oki
Age 27
Birthday June 1, 1979
Color green to wear, orange to see
song at the moment, "Our Work Fills The Pews" by Hot Snakes
room in the house my tiny little cozy bedroom
sport bowling?
season fall
word word
day of the week the day i wake up
food the hot kind. oh wait, no, some cold ones too... and meat.
time of the day 2:21am
place to relax on the couch, in front of the tv, NYT crossword in hand, plate of yummy food at the table
t.v. show Lost, most anything on Adult Swim
movie The Goonies... "Goonies never say die"
clothes brand geez, i pretty much just wear jeans and a t-shirt
book or magazine comic books, duh
actor/actress my friends that are
Have you Ever...
been in love dammit, yes
skipped school you get sick of school lunches eventually
gotten drunk very
smoked weed did, but haven't in years
lied to someone close to you sadly, yes
been out of the state of course, how could you NOT!?
cheated on your g/f or b/f nope
gone to school high or drunk nope
made fun of someone someone? no. everyone? yes.
hated someone you didnt really no how do you no someone?
gone to a concert several
cheated on a test several
wanted to kill yourself hell no
been skinny dipping hell no
had sex on a beach shucks, no
dyed your hair a neon color i wish
been on a cruse jesus, learn to spell. but yeah, i have been on a CRUISE.
been on a plane yup
ran aways like far aways?
been arrested nope
been locked up nope
gotten into more then 5 fights uh, i don't think i've even been in one, at least nothing worth mentioning
been made fun of uh, have you seen me? of course.
talked shit about someone fuck yeah, bitches
Do you...
like your life when i really think about it, yeah
love someone indeed
dream about sexual stuff indeed
like country music indee... wait, fuck no.
have a lot of TRUE friends i hope so, and like to think so, yeah
believe in yourself before i finish a job, yeah. after, not so much...
think you look good well, i don't think i look bad...
ever wish you were someone else not really
like school not really
consider yourself a good friend hell yes
put yourself before your friends that's a tricky subject. really depends on the circumstances, but for the most part, i do.
miss anyone right now a few people
have any sisters or brothers one lil' bro, one lil' sis
Whats one thinq you want to do before you die live in another country, and have kids
Who do you wish you looked like Kermit the Frog
Are you a loveable person sure, but despicable at the same time
Who is your best friiend in the whole world geez... i don't even know
Do you want to qo to colleqe i did.
Do you qet alonq with you parents sometimes. as long as they stay of my mother effing back!!!
Silver or Gold Silver
Gunit or Murder Inc The Getalong Gang
Pencil or Pen Pen
Shoes or Clothes T-Shirts
Listen to music or watchin t.v. music
Rap or Country rap. well, hip-hop.
Lloyd Banks or Usher I only know Usher. So i'll pick the other guy.
mall or movies movies
Allen Iverson or Kobe Bryant Iverson. fuck kobe.
Caramel or Chocolate caramel IN chocolate
Abercromie&Fitch or Rocawear OKI!