My interest are that I like to chill at home and cover up under a comfortable blanket and watch movies with someone I love. Although at times when I get up to it I like to go out and have a good time.
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Well I am what they call a variety girl. I listen to all kinds of music it just depends on my mood. Say if I am crunk I listen to rap, my favorites are the Ying Yang Twins, and of course Eminem, I think his new song with Nate Dogg is so good. Now if I am in a pissed off mood I go for Metallica, Rob Zombie, Ozzy Osborne, and Disturbed. But if you catch me in a sad mood I will most likely be listening to country. The last mood I can be in is a goofy mood and that is when I like to listen to old crazy songs like Cher, and whoever sing that 'Everybody was kung fu fighting' song is so fun to song really loud in your car when say you are going to Flordia.
My favorite movies would have to be the sickening love stories like The Note Book, and Romeo and Juliet. Although a nice horror flick every now and then is not so bad that is only when I am with a big strong guy who can hold me when I get scared.
Even though I watch a lot of television I only have certain favorites. I mostly watch MTV and sad to admit I am reality TV junky like Real World, Runs House,and Meet the Barkers. I also will watch Made, Wild n Out, and the new show I Want to be Like You. When they are not on I usally go with say CSI, Law and Order SVU, Spin City, and sometimes (I think it is called this) Orange County Choppers. Other than that I am more of a surfer of channels.
I will admit I am not much of a reader but this past year I have read books that I would have never thought of reading. So out of those I would have to say anything that Nicholas Sparks writes. Although James Patterson wrote some pretty interesting books himself, that is if you like mistery/ horror books.
My hero would have to be any one out there who knows what they want and goes after it no matter what. Someone like my brother who went into the army and went over to Korea.