TYLER FORD profile picture



About Me

"I suppose when you are creatively artistic it spills over into everything," Tyler Ford said in a recent interview... and spill over it does. From screenwriter to recent turned producer and editor, to yes even clothing designer, it seems juggling should also be on his resume. As he continues to climb the Hollywood ladder, Ford will be the first to admit that he embarks on the road less traveled, "I find myself caring more about the journey than the destination. I think success is sweeter when you have the ablility to look back and truly be proud of the work that has gone into it."Tyler Ford was born and raised in New Castle, Delaware, but since the age of five gravitated toward the glimmering lights of Hollywood. Driven by his passion for film and his gift for elevating an audience into another realm of existence. It is the inspiring and bitter truths that seem to touch people the most in Tyler's work, "Yes my job is to entertain... to remove the chaos of every day life and create an escape, but I have always felt a responsibility to touch people in deep and yes at times uncomfortable ways and make thought provoking television and movies. "If you would ask Ford when words became his tools, he would tell you that there was never a time when they were not, "There are some things you cannot escape, especially the gifts given by God. I was always a writer, even when I so young and I didn't actually know how to write, I would draw pictures to illustrate the story. The irony is that I never wanted to be a writer, and God knows I tried to escape it. Finally I realized that if I can't escape it, I have to embrace it."In 2001, Tyler received national recognition with his screenplay "Repairing Layne". It was also named one of the best screenplays of the year by Drexel University in Philadelphia. This led him to StoryBay, a Los Angeles based literary company, where he would begin to develop the show that he calls "the thing that started it all".The first draft of "Advertise This" was written in 1999, and since then has gone through many transformations, but remains Tyler's most beloved work. "If only one episode airs of the show, I could die a completely content person," Ford said.And while "Advertise This" is still in development, Ford also has two more feature films in development... the psychological thriller "Tower Road" and the passion piece "Cope".In 2000 the prestigous David Hiatt Literary Agency optioned Ford's novel The Art of Duplicity, but Tyler did not want to pursue a career as a novelist. It was film and television where he wanted to give his voice.If this does not seem to be enough, Ford also launched his clothing line D.L.A.E in 2005, and is gearing up for the Spring 2007 line.However, if you ask Tyler what he is most proud of he will say his individuality, "To do what you love, to love what you do, to be who you are, with no apologies, that is the meaning of life.""Tyler has a tenacity and drive, that while intimidating is inspiring. He is one of the most unique people I have ever worked with, and the best thing about him is that he is unafraid to take risks. It's a nasty business but he has the unflinching desire to do things his way, and that is commendable." - Sherwood Schwartz, creator, producer, and writer of "The Brady Bunch" and "Gilligan's Island".Tyler Ford currently divides his time between Delaware and Los Angeles.

My Interests

Los Angeles and everything in it...

I'd like to meet:

Gwen Stefani (she is someone who I never crossed paths with yet in LA). I would love to work with her on a collaboration one day! Totally respect her as an artist.View All Friends | View Blog | Add Comment


Anything and everything that has lyrical substance! However, my friend Bird York is so hypnotizing (musical genious), Susie Suh because she is the musical voice for my own tv show, and I am addicted to the melodic roughness filled with bitter truth serum that is Matthew Ryan!


"Crash", "Ghost", and "Dangerous Minds"


I am a writer but I never read. I don't want to be influenced by other people's words!


Anyone who has conviction and stands for what they believe in!

My Blog

The promotion begins!

Just wanted to let everyone know that the promotion for the ninth season of my east coast reality show "Survivor: Fiji" will begin shortly!I will be giving an interview MONDAY, AUGUST 13 on the offici...
Posted by TYLER FORD on Mon, 23 Jul 2007 02:38:00 PST

It's a WONDERFUL life...

such a wonderful, wonderful life......
Posted by TYLER FORD on Mon, 28 May 2007 03:39:00 PST

My next appearance...

Just wanted to let everyone know about my next appearance...PRESS RELEASEFIJI FEVER: The Countdown to Survivor: Fiji, is a LIVE Talk Show that will be hosted by Executive Producer and Host, Tyler Ford...
Posted by TYLER FORD on Sun, 29 Apr 2007 10:17:00 PST

The reason "friends & comments" are hidden...

Being in the public eye has it's advantages and disadvantages...one of the disadvantages is that unfortunately you have to deal with stalkers...this is my PERSONAL MySpace... I am in the process of cr...
Posted by TYLER FORD on Tue, 24 Apr 2007 12:19:00 PST

"I'm a MOTHERF***ER!"

So I just wanted to give everyone some updates on what is transpiring in the land of Tyler...I am currently putting the finishes touches on my movie "Cope" ... a journey it has been in more ways than ...
Posted by TYLER FORD on Tue, 24 Apr 2007 09:49:00 PST

In those times...

so i just finished writing a crucial scene in "cope"...this movie unlike anything i have written has required me to dig really deep... my personal afflictions and experiences have seeped into the canv...
Posted by TYLER FORD on Tue, 06 Mar 2007 09:57:00 PST

Intimate Questions...

I'D DESCRIBE MYSELF AS&complex not complicated... layered LOS ANGELES CHANGED ME BY& allowing me to breathe deeply - only place i ever feel emancipated trulyI FEAR& not affecting people - whether they...
Posted by TYLER FORD on Sun, 25 Feb 2007 01:06:00 PST

A storm is brewing...

Posted by TYLER FORD on Wed, 07 Feb 2007 10:03:00 PST


I just want to extend my sympathy for a dear friend Jodi and her family, who have suffered the loss of a loved one... if anything it reinforces our temporary existence... my thoughts are wit...
Posted by TYLER FORD on Thu, 01 Feb 2007 02:47:00 PST


You say there's always gonna be this thingBetween us days are filled with dreamsScorpions crawl across my screenMake their home beneath my skinUnderneath my shirt stick their tonguesBite through flesh...
Posted by TYLER FORD on Tue, 30 Jan 2007 07:00:00 PST