Hey Y'all! It's NiKkI♥ IM A PRiNCESS BiTCH! Well im 22 years old Im trying go get my shit straight and get my life 2gether 4 my girls, My oldest Makenzie Leann is 3 and Madison Marie is a year old. I work at Mt. Calvery WEE School and studying my math test 4 my GED (cause its the only one I didnt pass lol) then I want to go 2 school 2 be a dental asst. O yea and im a single mom so it makes it a lil harder but so much better not 2 have 2 deal with a man but trust me I get lonley. Im going through a divorce from Makenzies daddy right now so im just enjoying dating or whatever really but i love 2 go muddin,drinkin,clubbin,2 the movies or mall or just chillin at the house.