R.I.P Mookie 11/28/08 profile picture

R.I.P Mookie 11/28/08

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships and Friends

About Me

How ya doing out there....Welcome to my world of madness...Sinista, forever and a Day! This your boy e, otherwise known as emillion,or johnny;humin torch hinchmin...reppin straight out of Paterson New jerz born n raised. This is my first time up in my space so bare with me......Im a 23 yr old Mc/Producer trying to make it out there in the music world. My passion is music, and it's what I do best. But besides that, im a humble type of guy who likes to live everyday like its my last! Just doing what any body my age does, I guess.....I like to party,go clubbin,spend time at the studio,chill with the fam, love traveling;seeing new places,meeting new people,etc,etc......... Theres a whole lot more to my story, but im gonna leave the rest up to you to hitt me up and find out,so feel free to holla at me...................................God Bless n 1 luv

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I'd like to meet:

Wu-Tang Clan

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