Life, the universe...everything.
Future Me; I wanna find out what happens. Not Past Me though, I don't want to fix my mistakes becuase Past Me made Now Me who I am. So I guess I shouldn't meet Future Me either becuase Now Me will make Future Me who I will be. Wow that's deep.So... I guess I'd like to meet... the inventor of sliced bread, because it really is the greatest thing.
If you would consider it crappy, I probably own it.
how to your favorite movie the one to which you know every line (The Princess Bride)? the one you watch any time it comes on tv no matter how many times you've seen it or how stupid you think it is (Speed, yes Speed. I know, I know.)? the one that brings back great memories of childhood (Labryinth)? or the one with the most profound affect on your development/psyche (I'm not actually going to post which one that is b/c I don't really know you people that well)? I guess what I'm trying to say is, I'm not sure how to answer that one.
most of my shows are only on in syndication if at all (ie: BTVS, Farscape, Firefly, Silk Stalkings, Angel, MacGuiver, Dark Angel, etc.). The ones on now are Supernatural, Psych, BSG, The Daily Show, Bones, Monk, Heroes, Dead Zone, and several others. Any show to which I become feverishly addicted will soon thereafter come to an untimely end. Count yourselves lucky I don't love your shows.
Yes, please, and lots. To shorten the list I'll just go with authors: Orson Scott Card, Douglas Adams, Barbara Kingsolver, Donald Harrington, Robert Jordan, J.K. Rowling, Steven Lawhead, Melanie Rawn, Terry Goodkind, Sylvia Plath (only b/c I love The Bell Jar), Paolini, Shakespeare, anything from the lovely disinfo people (I feel I should disclose that I tried to use "peeps" there but quickly removed it. Don't worry I gave myself a good mocking-to to nip that kind of thing in the bud.), Terry Pratchett, William Goldman, Tom Robbins...I think that's enough to get us started.
Hercules, Dean Winchester, Xena, Max, Superman, Sailor Moon, He-man, She-ra, Buffy...and, of course, John Crichton and Aeryn Sun.