i recently moved from the beautiful, sunny, sandy white beaches of destin, fl and set up shop in the dixie land....whoot whoot.....okay, you guys aren't that bad...in fact, they call us Lower Alabama..... the difference? .......instead of a church on every street corner we have bars ...in fact, sunday is one of our biggest drinking days.....we didn't vote against the lottery & then drive to another state to play.....we don't drive 30 mph in the fast lane.....and we don't eat 'chop' steak.... haha ....who taught ya'll that a steak is a plain, well-done hamburger patty, anyway? do me a favor.. next time you have a craving for beef forget the chop steak and try the filet mignon, med. rare to medium, and if you insist on sauce try the A-1 & leave the ketchup alone......and if you're the one driving 35 mph in the left lane on hwy 21 where the speed limit is 65, you should be shot.........anyhoo, i came here to study forensics at JSU.. turns out i'm not smart enough for chemistry, so i'll be studying for my paralegal degree for the next year, & hopefully that'll work out. anyway, i've never married, i have a beautiful little boy, Buddy, he's a maltese (5 pounds of precious), i'm really old school (screw your wii, i'll stick with atari), and i collect anything Pabst Blue Ribbon (so what if i don't drink it, i'm still a fan, so shut up). please note...i'm here to meet people.....make new friends & chat with old ones....not to fill up my friend space with people i will never talk to....so if you wanna add me you should at least send me a shout out!
I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V3.6 !
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