1. I am a Jerk
2. I most likely won't like you but you will like me
3. I believe in God and Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior
4. I wont respect you enough to call you
5. I will hurt, abuse, mistreat, harm, be cruel, and all the above but the one thing you need to remember is that I am not perfect.
6. What I like is what i like, if you have a problem with it then go suck on an egg.
7. I am a musician
8. I am a writer
9. No I will not go out with you
10. Don't call me white, I'd kill a man if he did
11. I tend to fall in love cause of looks
12. I'm not the prettiest guy but I know how to dress
13. We should be lovers
14. I wont trust you cause you wont trust me, its a fact of life that we all have to live with
15. I'm not that all into you
16. I play video games alot
17. I drink when i feel like it and what i feel like, I dont believe in "B***CH" Drinks
18. My friends are my family, I protect them like they protect me
19. I'm super gullible so don't mess with me
20. I grew up all over
21. I play WoW
22. Don't call me a nerd, Im a geek...
23. I like Kevin Smith Movies
24. I like Seth Rogen Movies
25. I don't like to watch the office
26. That's what she said
27. I want to be a writer for an animated series
28. Seth Green is an hero
29. I believe in Karma, even though it goes against my religion but God has a funny things of working things out on people so i will call this Karma.
30. I'm extremely negative at times
31. I say sorry alot
32. My parents say Im arrogant.
32. I say fag, homo, and gay alot, but I'm not making fun of anyone's sexual orientation, just that the person is being really really dumb.
33.Love hurts but its worth the risk
35. My favorite hero is The Joker....
36. I want to be a pirate when i grow up
37. I don't want to get married
38. But one day i will marry an Irish Princess
39. I don't just date white girls, I date the whole rainbow, just some more than others
40. Im obsessive
41. I cling
42. I cuddle
43. You may never understand me, but I will always understand you
44. I wont abandon you no matter how much pain you may have caused me or one of my friends. If I'm truly a friend of yours then I'll never leave you without a dying first
45. I want to be a Drug Lord
46. I want to have Kids
47. I will tear you apart
48. Thats what she said...lol
49.I love being hurt, because it gives me something to write about
50. I'm going to marry Jessica Alba one day
51. Cookie Monster is my best friend
52. I'm most likely not going to find my place in this world, but I know God has a plan or else I would be dead...
53. My guitar is the only girl i love, she's never hurt me and always loved me, even when its been a bad day[LOVEMYFLASH]