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♥Smiling Shander♥

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About Me


By Shander Ramos
Hello, my name is Shander Ramos.
S is for silent, a bad habit that I am trying to conquer.
H is for humbler, because the past has shrunken my pride.
A is for arrogant, something the past still has not been able to diminish.
N is for nostalgic, because I am too familiar with making mistakes.
D is for delirious, since sometimes the things I do can only be understood as bouts of fury between reality and frenzy.
E is for empathetic, which is one of my few traits that can and has caused my downfalls.
R is for resistant, since I cannot ever fully dive into something without doing a double take.
R is for renounced, sometimes it is just easier for me to simply give up.
A is for ambient, if you are wondering then I am probably not listening to you. So excuse me and good bye.
M is for malevolent, something I secretly aspire to be.
O is for ostentatious, little or big white to multicolored lies don’t always hurt people.
S is for special, which is something I am sure I can be. I just need to discover all the other words inscribed in the letters of me.
A South Park Shander. Well, sort of!!Table
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CursorMe, well sort of, in my favorite place to be. The movie theater! .. ..LP WIDGETI'M SUCH A JERSEYAN! You Are 91% New Jersey! Wow, you're totally Jersey. There's no doubt about it. Congratulations, and always be proud to be Jersey--it's a great thing to be!
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Despite its high commercialism and greed, I love America!wassupWhat I like Playlist
Here's the live Linkin Park performance of "Bleed it out" on SNL. Enjoy!FireDividerMy Name is Shander!NicaraguenseDividerMy name is Shander Massiel Ramos Luna Reyes de Santana. Just like my name, I’m a very complicated person with even more complicated thoughts and emotions. I have recently gone through an epiphany, so to speak. I skipped the normal time in a child’s life where she becomes rebellious and does whatever tickles her fancy. I recently went through that “stage” at an elderly age of 21. I did what I wanted and I can say that I got it all out of my system. In the end doing what the fuck I wanted was a set back for me. I won’t say that I didn’t enjoy nights of debauchery and naughtiness, but I shouldn’t have taken it as far as I did. I wasted time and lost focus. I forgot what my goals were and now I have to start again from scratch to rebuild what I have broken. Beside losing my focus by partying and acting “young” my attitude completely changed. I was no longer the same very innocent and conscientious person that I had been all my life. In a matter of a year or so I morphed into someone extremely selfish and extremely cruel. I am now repairing the weakened ties between my family and I. I managed to hurt the only people that have been here for me, my mother and father. I will admit that they are truly the only that I can and should completely trust, because they truly mean me no harm. I have learned that outside people and even my own sister can and have hurt me. Getting my heart broken and being backstabbed by someone that should have been there for me has humbled me greatly. I now realize that although I am now 21, I still have so much to learn about being an adult. I plan on learning all this in a respectable manner. This doesn’t mean that I can’t hang out with my friends and cut loose once in a while, but this shouldn’t consume my time. Part of growing up is admitting that you have been wrong and then doing all you can to be right. I am rewriting my “About me page” because the time in which I wrote it I was completely consumed in my own instant gratifications. I know better now. Some things I will keep though, because even though I am again morphing into someone that I think is better, the “stupid” me is still part of me and she helped me learn and grow.TasteA coworker of mine says that my name means conviction in tongues. An oddly unbefitting name for someone who lacks much conviction. I am an avid perfectionist, someone who thinks she is always right even when overwhelming evidence proves otherwise. This characteristic has helped my succeed much, because I try hard to prove that I am worthy and that I can be better than everyone else. I am Hispanic, a Nicaraguan spic, a refugee and a colored person. My relationship with my heritage is a love-hate agreement. I love that my background is unique, colorful and filled with spice. But, I hate the stereotypical way spics are represented especially in America. My main goal in life is to completely decimate that stereotype, well at least in my life. I refuse to work as a cleaner, janitor, maid, fast food worker, landscaper or a clerk of any dirty job that is always tagged onto a spic. I refuse to have four or five children before I turn 23. I refuse to be an uneducated woman beaten by too much work, births and machismo men. I refuse to give into the typical stereotype of what an American spic is. But, I will revel in the Spanish language with its easy spelling and writing. I love the way the words purr as they escape my lips. I Know my language is beautiful, just as my people can be. I can certainly be arrogant, selfish, spiteful, sinister, cynical, overbearing and childish at times. One of the most important things for me is to keep my pride intact. I’d sometimes rather suffer than ask for help. I hate vulnerability and weakness. I hate hypocrites and liars even though I can do all that at times. But, I am recently learning that there is nothing wrong with a little weakness, in fact showing weakness is what strengthens our humanity. It makes us people. . Falling in love with the wrong man and forming friendships with different men has taught me that no one can and should be completely trusted. I can easily be one of the boys, but find it difficult to be one of the girls. Being a girl for 21 years reminds me how malevolent women can be. I usually fall in love easily and just as easily fall out of love, but my last encounter with love has proved to be quite different. Divider I have moved on from this experience and from him. I won’t lie and say that I didn’t enjoy our moments, but those moments and nothing more than memories that will fade, but of course never disappear. I thank him for letting me experience love again, but I won’t dwell on the past. Doing that only hinders my growth.I aspire to one day be a journalist for a political or music magazine or newspaper. But, more than anything in the world I am an I am a writer, a painter, a sketcher, a lyricist, a poet, a thinker, a creative essence bent on bringing imagination and soul to an otherwise cold world.I know I write too much, but that is what I do. The written language entices me, it makes my skin crawl and my ears burn. I get goose bumps all over my body when I see a new book or get an inspiration for a new story. I communicate best through writing. I can easily and best organize my thoughts through the written word. Anyone can talk, but only few can write and successfully get the same effect. Despite my overbearing pride and stubbornness, I can really be a good friend. I have a few select friends whose names I will someday brand on my body in the form of a tattoo to remind me of how they have affected my life. The friends included in my tattoo will be Paula Spencer (my black soul twin), Laura Zahorbenski (my everlasting friend), Dan Castillo (my new friend, but one whom I've grown dependent on to raise my spirits when I'm down), Melissa Teco (my first best friend and reminder of my youth and innocence), Dmitriy Maister (a friend that has taught me a lot about myself and also taught me feelings that I forgot I felt, or was too afraid to feel). My family will also be included, Mi Mama and Mi Papa, my older sister Elsy, my younger sister Sandy and my baby brother Raymond. I will of course, include my savior and creator God. For a real friend, I can and will do anything for him or her. I love little, but when I do love I really do it wholeheartedly. I smoke Newports, the menthol cigarette, I drink hard liquor like Vodka and Rum. I occasionally intoxicate myself with certain herbs to help me sleep better. I drink very strong coffee and caffeine in the form of soda is no stranger tom me. I curse too fucking much and I constantly frown at people. I sometimes lie to get my way and I am a notorious gossip.gives me crazy orgasms. The harsher the percussions, the faster the guitar playing, the more melancholy the lyrics, the more I love it. I wear black everyday and neutrals completely engulf my closet and drawers. I love Converse sneakers and skater shoes, despite my lack of coordination on anything but solid ground. People that don’t know me judge me as weird, people that know me judge me as extremely weird. I prefer the word instead., bipolar at times, intelligent, sensitive, jaded, stupid, nosey, lazy, hardworking, outdated, set in my ways, controlling, cautious, clever, forgetful, demanding and so much more. In a nutshell this is who I am. My name is Shander.Background
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My Interests

WRITING/WRITING/WRITING/WRITING/WRITING/WRITING/WRITING and reading, of course. I love art, even though I am not the greatest artist, art is the best therapy. Forget yoga, pick up a paint brush or pencil. Music is very important to me, since my old cult-like religion forbid it , so I was music intolerant for more than half of my life, until I was like 14. I really like badmitton. Shuttlecock=FUN! I am addicted to TELEVISION, satellite is perfection. Yeah, I am a geek. I don't know how I ever lived without my cell phone. I am very close to my siblings, the key to my heart can be obtained through my little brother and sister. That's why I can't leave Jersey, my brother and sister are way too important, even though they're annoying. I am a journalist, so I am always getting news from the paper, internet, etc. I just love observing people, people of every diaspora, faith, color, etc absolutely fascinate me. I am shy, but I love the human essence. I just like hanging with my friends, going to the movies, bowling, etc. I am not a party scene person, but I like to drink and have fun with my friends and new people. I just love living and learning new things.Survey
*The New and Improved Ultimate About Me*:

Name: Shander Ramos
Date of Birth: March 20, 1986.
Birthplace: Managua, Nicaragua.
Current Location: The Garden State in the US.
Eye Color: Brown.
Hair Color: Black.
Height: 5'1.
Heritage: I am a spic.
Piercings: I have 14, 7 on each ear.
Tattoos: None yet, but the month is still young.
Band/Singer: Linkin Park all the way!
Song: "Lying form you" by Linkin Park.
Movie: "10 Things I hate about you." I know the movie word for word andI have watched it a thousand times.
Disney Movie: Hmmm...it's a tie between "Sleeping Beauty" and "Mulan."
TV show: Scrubs, Miami Ink, South Park, and Will and Grace.
Color: Black and blue.
Food: Spanish food, specifically a dish called Salpicon.
Pizza topping: Pepperoni.
Ice-Cream Flavor: Mint Chocolate Chip.
Drink (alcoholic): VODKA!!!
Soda: Pepsi is my brand.
Store: Old Navy and Target.
Clothing Brand: Old Navy and Tommy Hilfiger.
Shoe Brand: Converse and Vans.
Season: Autumn.
Month: March, since it's my birthday month!
Holiday/Festival: Ehh, I don't care much for any holiday.
Flower: The white oleander. It's beautiful, but it has a poisonous stem. Very cool!
Make-Up Item: A letter.
Board game: I hate board games.
This or That
Sunny or rainy: Sunny, duh!
Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate.
Fruit or veggie: Fruits.
Night or day: Night.
Sour or sweet: Sour.
Love or money: The romantic in me says love, but the realist in me says money. I am more of a realist.
Phone or in person: Depends on what is going on.
Looks or personality: Both are integral.
Coffee or tea: C offee, tea is gross.
Hot or cold: Cold.
Goal for this year: To pay my car and loans off as much as I can.
Most missed memory: Being closer to my father.
Best physical feature: I think my eyes are pretty cool and people tell me I have a great smile.
First thought waking up: Grrr, I have to go to work today.
Hypothetical personality disorder: ADD/ADHD and/or Biopolar. I do really think I have ADD though.
Preferred type of plastic surgery: Not sure.
Sesame street alter ego: Ha ha ha. I don't care much for Sesame Street.
Fairytale alter ego: I think in real life I am a good guy, so my alter ego should be a villain. I will go with Ursula. She's awesome for a big, evil octopus.
Most stupid remark: Too many to name.
Worst crime: I stole lip gloss from a store when I was a kid.
Greatest ambition: To write and publish a book.
Greatest fear: Spiders, my pride being damaged and failing.
Darkest secret: It's a secret, ding dong!
Favorite subject: Art and my writing classes. I did take "History of the Holocaust" one year and that was the best class I had ever taken at RU.
Strangest received gift: Underwear.
Worst habit: Biting my nails and never saying no.
Do You:
Smoke: Yeah, but I cut down dramatically. I am trying to quit.
Drink: Yup, but I haven't recently.
Curse: Oh yes, mother fucker.
Shower daily: Of course. I sweat like crazy at work.
Like thunderstorms: They're alright.
Dance in the rain: I have.
Sing: I do, but badly.
Play an instrument: I wish.
Get along with your parents: I am.
Wish on stars: Not anymore.
Believe in fate: At times.
Believe in love at first sight: Hell no!
Can You:
Drive: Yup and pretty well too, no matter what people say! Dan, mom and dad!
Sew: Nah.
Cook: I can.
Speak another language: Si, hablo Espanol.
Dance: Ehhh....
Sing: Deja Vu.
Touch your nose with your tongue: Nah.
Whistle: Yup.
Curl your tongue: Yup.
Have You Ever:
Been Drunk: Oh yes, many times.
Been Stoned/High: LOL. Yes, a handful of times.
Eaten Sushi: Ewww, but yes.
Been in Love: Yeah.
Skipped school: Sure.
Made prank calls: Of course.
Sent someone a love letter: Yes, a few of them.
Stolen something: Yeah.
Cried yourself to sleep: A few times.
Other Questions:
What annoys you most in a person? If he or she lies constantly, complains too much and is too self-absorbed.
Are you right or left handed? Rightie.
What is your bedtime? Whenver I feel sleepy. I am kind of grown up you know.
Name three things you can't live without: Music, food and water.
What is the color of your room? White.
Do you have any siblings? I have 3.
Do you have any pets? I have 3.
Would you kill someone you hate for a million dollars? Sure would.
What is you middle name? Massiel.
What are you nicknames? My older sister calls me Cinder and my best friend Dan, calls me Shandy.
Are you for or against gay marriage? Against. I don't care if they are gay, but gays and those whom make marriage a fad, shouldn't be allowed to be married. It's against the law of the Lord.
What are your thoughts ..ion? It really depends on the situation, but I am mostly pro-choice.
Do you have a crush on anyone? Not really.
Are you afraid of the dark? Nah. I used to watch that show though.
How do you want to die? Peacefully.
What is the largest amount of popsicles that you have eaten on one day? Maybe 3 or 4.
Would you take a bullet for the one you love? Absolutely.
What is the last law you’ve broken? I sped.
In a Member of the Opposite Sex:
Hair color: It doesn't matter.
Eye color: I prefer the light eyes, but dark eyes are cool too.
Height Has to be taller than me, come on I'm 5'1!
Weight Can negotiate.
Most important physical feature: Definately good teeth.
Biggest turn-off Liars, asking me if I like that as we do stuff and acting one way in front of me then another in front of his buddies.
Take this survey or other MySpace Surveys at PimpSurveys.comI love the VODKA!More Vodka please!I'm a true LP FAN! Are you a REAL Linkin Park fan??
You are a real Linkin Park fan!!!You know loads about LP.....cool
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I'd like to meet:

Holocaust survivor and my inspiration, Elie Wiesel. Billy Joe Armstrong from Green Day. Everyone from Linkin Park. My granddad's, they both died from alcholism.scroll
Make your own scroller sign at http://www.myspacestuff.org!Yes, I knew Chester is my man! Which LP member is your ideal mate?
Your ideal mate is Chester!
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Music is one of the most important aspects of my life. I am constantly listening to music, from when I am getting dressed to go to work or school. I love all types of rock. ROCK ROCK ROCK ROCK, is my life. My absolute favorite band of all times is Linkin Park. Their music is aggressive, inspiring and just plain awesome. Some of my other favorite bands include Green Day, The Fray, Sublime, Hoobastank, My Chemical Romance, AFI, Gym Class Heros, Taking Back Sunday, Three Days Grace, Three Doors Down, The Ramones, Fort Minor, and countless others. I also like some hip hop and R & B. Some artists include Ludacris, Kanye West, Mary J. Blige, John Legend, Eminem, Styles of Beyond and Jay-Z. I absolutely am turned off by this gangster rap, bubble gum pop, reggeton bull shit that has completely confounded mainstream music. If I have to keep hearing how much money he or she has or how many ho's he has fucked I am going to shoot myself or the "artist." Music needs to morph beyond the material shit and overly sexual appeal. We need meaningful music again.The greatest invention is the iPod or mp3 player. My video iPod goes absolutely everywhere with me. It's my baby, I have no idea how I lived without it. I have imported all my cd's and more into it as well as movies. It's the best thing in the world!mlpMinutes To Midnight Music Player
Hybrid Theory/Reanimation Playlist
The Meteora Playlist
Collision Course Playlist
The new Linkin Park Emblem: This will be my first tattoo. A homage to my favorite band!Chaz ChesterOld LPNew Linkin ParkSexy Chester Bennington (First Lead Singer)Gorgeous Mike Shinoda (Second lead singer, keyboards, guitarist too.)Cool Phoenix (bassist)Unique Brad Delson (Lead guitarist)Creative Mr. Hahn (Turntablist and director)Strong Rob Bourdon (Drums)Music Survey ..START BZOINK.COM SURVEY CODE
~~Describe yourself using song lyrics from only one band or musician.~~
The band/artist? ::: Linkin Park, of course!
Are you male or female? ::: Female
Who are you? ::: "Numb"
What is your outlook on life? ::: "No more sorrow"
How do other people feel about you? ::: "In between"
How do you live? ::: "By myself"
How do you love? ::: "Hands held high"
How do you hate? ::: "From the inside"
Have you ever been in love? ::: "With you"
Describe your first kiss. ::: "Forgotten"
Describe your ex. ::: "Cure for the itch"
Describe your significant other. ::: "In the end"
Describe your best friend. ::: "Breaking the habit"
Describe your worst enemy. ::: "Papercut"
Describe your greatest joy.::: "Points of authority"
Describe your greatest annoyance. ::: "Valentines day"
What is one thing that hurts your feelings? ::: "Nobody's listening"
Describe the happiest moment of your life. ::: "Somewhere I belong"
Describe the lowest moment of your life. ::: "Lying from you"
How do you feel at this very moment? ::: "Faint"
How did you feel exactly one month ago? ::: "One step closer"
What is your absolute favorite lyric from this band/artist? ::: Help me leave behind some reasons to be missed.
Leave us with some words of wisdom. ::: Between my lies and how the truth gets in the way.The things I want to say to you get lost before they come. The only thing that's worse than one is none.
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music shuffle
Put your music player on shuffle.Don't skip songs!! Describe your:
Birth: "What I've done" by Linkin Park.
1st birthday: "Shake that booty" by Red Rat.
golden birthday: "Why can't we be friends" by Sublime.
freshman year: "Hero" by Chad Kroeger featuring Josey Scott.
senior year: "S.O.S" by Good Charlotte.
senior prom: "Southern girl" by Incubus.
graduation: "How long" by Hinder.
wedding: "The perfect drug" by Nine Inch Nails.
the day you die: "Meant to live" by Switchfoot.
1st relationship: "Livin' la vida loca" by Ricky Martin.
relationship with your parents: "Perfect world" by Sublime.
1st sexual intercourse: "Take it all away" by Puddle of Mud.
friends: "Y'all want a single" by Korn.
climax of your life: "Broken box" by Queens of the Stoneage.
life: "Weight of the world" by Evanescence.
life after death: "A moment like this" by Kelly Clarkson.
childhood: "Drive slow" by Kanye West featuring Paul Wall and GLC
teenagehood: "Stan" by Eminem.
adulthood: "Take me to the backseat" by the Donnas.
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I love all types of movies. I can see anything from comedy to horror to ..aries. Some of my favorite movies include "Jakob the liar", "The Pianist", "Kill Bill Vol. 1+2", "Spiderman 1+2+3", "The Legend of 1900" and "Shrek 1+2." I am a vidiot, I can watch anything.


Television is probably one of the most ingenious creations made by mankind. I absolultely love T.V, but I can't always watch it. My few favorite shows have to be "Will and Grace", "Scrubs", "South Park", "Miami Ink" and "One tree hill." I can easily watch any channel from the Discovery channel to the military channel. Again, I'm a vidiot.MII love Comedy Central. T.V comedy specials are the best. Dane cook is one of my favorite Comedians. Here is a little sketch from his HBO "Vicious Cycles" comedy show. Don't get in a relationshit!


I love all books, except romance novels. I especially am attracted to war novels and Holocaust books. I have always loved the written word.Night


All my friends and family and Linkin Park!

My Blog

My fathers hand.

Here's a short story I was inspired to write. Hope you like it! Today is March 19, 1996 and in a few hours I will turn 10 years old. My father surprised me with a pair of theater tickets, we were...
Posted by ♥Smiling Shander♥ on Wed, 01 Aug 2007 08:36:00 PST

You know you are from Franklin when....

..>     You Know Your From Franklin When...You knew that Mr. Neal, Miss Butler, Mr. Affros, and Miss Sanchez were secretly gay.You didn't notice that the title should be you're, no...
Posted by ♥Smiling Shander♥ on Tue, 17 Jul 2007 11:04:00 PST

50 Q's and A's

1. What is your middle name? Massiel, yes a boys name. Man my parents hate me! 2. Last person you kissed? My little brother Raymond. He won't let me out of the house or go to sleep unless I kiss ...
Posted by ♥Smiling Shander♥ on Fri, 06 Jul 2007 12:39:00 PST

My Bamboozle Concert Experience!!

Ok, so my best friend Paula and I went to the 2007 MTV2 Bamboozle festival on May 6th at the Meadowlands Sports Complex. The headlining rock group was the incomparable, the insatiable, the exquisite L...
Posted by ♥Smiling Shander♥ on Mon, 07 May 2007 09:19:00 PST

A happy ass Shander

Ok, so I was kind of angry and upset yesterday because of a certain someone, not to mention I am also battling a stupid cold! I was coughing and feeling nauseated all night. I felt so horrible at one...
Posted by ♥Smiling Shander♥ on Wed, 28 Feb 2007 10:23:00 PST

A poem I stumbled upon...

I found this poem last night as I was online and what not. I can't exactly pinpoint what I like about it, but I can't help but find it intriguing. I think many girls can relate to it, that's probably ...
Posted by ♥Smiling Shander♥ on Fri, 23 Feb 2007 10:49:00 PST