cameras, rock n roll, art books, design, satan...
john frusciante, the velvet underground, the new york dolls, the yeah yeah yeahs, giant drag, zeppelin, van halen (dlr era only), the rolling stones, the beatles, zappa, primus, the kinks, inxs, alice in chains, nirvana, paz lenchantin, big d and the kids table, i love you, brian jonestown massacre, the cars, the clash, steely dan, vince gallo, the dead milkmen, johnny cash, elvis costello, fugazi, pantera, gang of 4, janes addiction, blood on the wall, the pixies, cat power, music for animals, built to spill, dinosaur jr, gn'r, faith no more or anything with mike patton, the misfits, ramones, the germs, leslie and the ly's.
rock n' roll high school, the search for animal chin, welcome to the dollhouse, city of god, the big lebowski, buffalo 66, breakfast club, 16 candles, chinatown, the 9th gate, the song remains the same, donnie darko, stand by me
arrested developement, the state, snl, freaks and geeks, the office, 30 rock
FAKE!, hoax, superstud, a day no pigs would die, helter skelter@ colette, the moma bookstore, opening ceremony, st marks books, memes, zakka, the reed space, the social trust, parklife, **** what a long, strange product rollout it's been.
marcel duchamp, brian jones, jacques-louis david, alice neel