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Teri Winters, you are creepy as hell.

About Me


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______________________I work at Disney, and I attend UCF. I enjoy wrighting, drawing, History, and even more so, Pre-History. Dinosaurs are badass!

Background from Yahoo search result

My Interests

Not Brittanys, Anime, Indiana Jones, Video games, Movies, Music, Cowboy bebop, Sci-fi, conventions, Cosplay, Zelda, Spider-man, Michelle Branch, StarWars.

I'd like to meet:

, Tina Fey, Tina Wood, Kate Beckinsale, God, Aliens, Apparitions, Your momma and your momma's momma. Kidding, though I bet your mom is nice ^_^


Presidents of the United States of America, Weezer, REM, Phish, Michelle Branch The Wreckers, Mary Prankster, Kelly Clarkson, Outkast, Los Lonely Boys, Vanessa Carlton, Jethro Tull, the Beatles, Video game OSTs, Simon and Garfunkle, Creedence Clearwater Revival, Yoko Kanno...


Spiderman (2), Mars Attacks, Alice in Wonderland, Indiana Jones, Being John Malcovitch, Equilibrium, Bruce Lee: Enter the Dragon, Underworld, Shaoilin Soccer, Kung-Fu Hustle, Sin City, Dream Child, Tombstone, Muppet Treasure Island, Starwars Trilogy (before the rereleases and the rerereleases, though the future Rererereleases sound promising.)


Kim Possible!, Mythbusters, That 70's show, COWBOY BEBOP, Arrested Development, Maximum Exposure, Heroes, Firefly, Attack of the Show, and X-play


Whales on Stilts, Ender's Game, Stargirl, Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland/ Through the Looking Glass, Jurassic Park, and it's sequel; The Lost World


the Strongest Man.... In the World!

My Blog

The Happening; The Incredible Hulk REVIEWS!

The Happening:        &n bsp;       Everything about this movie sucked. The premise was ridiculous and preachy. There are some int...
Posted by Harrison on Mon, 16 Jun 2008 03:35:00 PST

C.S. Loser (Narnia Review)

I know a lot of people who are die hard Narnia fans and will defend this movie to the grave. If this is you then be forewarned that A) I hated it and B) you disagreeing with me won't make me hate it a...
Posted by Harrison on Sat, 31 May 2008 11:17:00 PST


Indiana Jones: I was all dressed up at the midnight premiere of Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull with my whip and pre-ordered ticket in hand eagerly awaiting the movie that has stack...
Posted by Harrison on Tue, 27 May 2008 11:12:00 PST


^_^ OUR 2 YEAR ANNIVERSARY ^_^ I woke up real early, exited and eager And drove over to Brittany's to see and to greet her. Today was a millstone, the biggest, in fact Marking our union of t...
Posted by Harrison on Fri, 09 Nov 2007 02:23:00 PST

Summer flicks (Transformers, The Simpsons, Die Hard)

The Summer is known for fun, colorful, and utterly pointless movies; this summer didn't break the tradition, but rather added more fun, more color, and even more pointlessness to summer time. Here are...
Posted by Harrison on Tue, 07 Aug 2007 09:10:00 PST

Food for Thought

Here we see a plane and simple image of Cantor's Dust: As you can see, it all began with one large line that split into two halves beneath it. Then the halves split in two aswell and ...
Posted by Harrison on Thu, 02 Aug 2007 08:42:00 PST

Harry Potter Review

The Harry Potter film franchise is one that will leave its mark in our generation as being perhaps the best film series ever made leaving every future generation questioning what about it is so d...
Posted by Harrison on Tue, 17 Jul 2007 12:19:00 PST

Fantastic Four Review!!

Fantastic Flop:I'll be brief; the special effects had nothing special about them, the plot had enough holes to satisfy every man in the theater, and the acting was bad even by b-lister's standards. Th...
Posted by Harrison on Tue, 19 Jun 2007 08:36:00 PST

Bored Men Tale No Tales (PIRATES 3 REVIEW)

Pirates of the Caribbean 3: At World's End was by far the weakest of the trilogy which saying a lot considering just how bad the second installment was. It's a typical money-milker made only to fatten...
Posted by Harrison on Wed, 30 May 2007 01:10:00 PST

Summer of Sequels: Spiderman 3/ Sherk the Third

Spiderman 3:   Being the spidey-nerd that I am, I threw on my Spiderman T-shirt and dragged my girlfriend to see the Spiderman 3 mid-night showing. It was glorious! Though I heard many complaint...
Posted by Harrison on Mon, 21 May 2007 08:48:00 PST