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GHS 09 Talent Show - Zeke Richards Dancing!


Jesus is the love of my life, and I love my family, friends, all children, praying, helping people (especially those who can't help me back), peace, freedom, laughing, music, dancing, cooking, fragrances, writing, singing, reading, creativity, candles, cutting/coloring/styling hair, art, Harleys, jaguars (car and animal), trees, dirt, water, sunrises, sunsets, plants, rain, snow, stars, flowers, rainbows, lightning, thunder, all birds but especially hummingbirds, and I adore butterflies, dragonflies, lightning bugs and lady bugs. It's amazing that the greatest artist and Creator of the Universe, uses everything as His canvas; the sky, sun, moon, clouds and as proven by NASA's top scientists, millions of other entire galaxies. But people are his best work, especially kids! Just think, there are no two people alike and He has every hair numbered on our heads. While I have intense interest in all of the above, music is my true passion! It should be known for the record that I am unequivocally a music-a-holic.Everybody calls me Debo, 'cept my son Jamie, who, along with calling me Mom, has a host of other nicknames I will respond to. My grandkids who call me Dete, plus some of my nieces and nephews call me Buffy (don't ask). I've lived in the same town my entire life, but I do love GP! I've actually lived within a 1 mile radius for 35 years. Boring? NOT! I've lived a super novel with roller coaster changes and challenges.There's still lots of drama and nonstop action in my life, cause I have a large and stellar family. I have one amazing son, the above mentioned Jamie, and two beautiful daughters straight from the Lord; Barbara - Jamie's wife, and Jessica - my God-daughter. Jamie is my only son, and he's brilliant, merciful and loving. He's a teddy bear of a man with a pure heart. He minds his own business, doesn't talk about others, always looks for the best in others, nor does he say anything negative about anyone, steering completely clear of gossip. He came by those incredible character traits from his PawPaw, and hopefully some from me. As a mother and son, we've been through many fires and trials together over the course of his 38 years, and it's made us stronger and closer than ever. I am so thankful for his very life, and so proud of the merciful man he is. I am blessed among women to have him as my son. He's a wonderful husband and Father, loving and caring for his family with tender nurturing. He said he had never known intimate love until he met Barbara. She just loves him. She's a fantastic, hands on, all up in their face Mother, and I've never known such a determined spirit. She calls me Mom, which I totally embrace. She's beautiful inside and out, and has taught me so much about unconditional love. My God-daughter Jessica is my dolly-pie girl from 1986 when I began babysitting her, and I've loved her like my own daughter ever since. We be tight ya'll! She took her first step with me. She was with me daily for the first 4 years of her life, and is compassionate, loving and hilarious. Not only is she highly intelligent, she's eye candy! Jess is now a proud college grad, working and living in an apartment in Chicago, on her way to conquering whatever is put in front of her! Now on to my 6 seriously incredible grandchildren that light up my life! My first born grandson is Ezekiel (Z-Man) who's 17. He's such a sweet young man. When he was a boy he didn't let any grass grow under his feet and was always outside, looking for interesting stuff to do. He whittled, caught critters, created whatever he needed out of whatever he found. His wonderful ways include high morals and a high IQ, and as I watch him grow into a man, I see Godly values and wisdom developing rapidly. When I went to his youth group to hear him drum for the worship team, he was the most full of Jesus guy in the place! He's a worshipper and has been since a small child. Add to that he's loving, helpful, energetic, crazy, creative, funny, and hot! I may be a grandma, but I know slammin looks when I see em! Next comes Andrew James (Drew Bear) and my DrewB is the big 10 and is a real sweetheart! He can kind of run ahead of you, cause his mind is very active, and he's very, very smart, and very funny, along with being extremely sensitive. He happens to be a keenly proficient game-player, with serious interest in card and magic tricks. He can take apart stuff and put it back together, just checking into it! DrewB is terribly cute, with big blue eyes that seem to see everything, and gentle words that come from one wise beyond his years. I could live for a month on one of his hugs. I really appreciate him! He shows me so much love and loves to sit and talk to me. He likes to come down from his Dad's house to mine and have early morning breakfasts, just the 2 of us. Scarlett Grace (Missa Tatuh) was born in the year 2000 so she's 8 yrs old. This little ray of sunshine should be viewed by all. She is laughter, fun, sensitive, compassionate, love and hugs all rolled up into a tiny blonde body! Nothing gets by her, she's sharp as a tack. She hugs my neck like there's no tomorrow, constantly giving me kisses and affection and is a little knock-out! I don't think I've ever seen an adult with the dance moves she just exudes. She will come up to me and get in my lap and kiss me on the neck, on the arm, just whatever skin is available! I've never been with a child that lavishes her kisses on me like that. She does it to her Daddy too! Now, on to my next set of grandkids! Barbara has 3 children of her own and they are: Schuyler (Sky) who's 16, Amber Grace is 12, and Miranda (Mandy) is 9. So, we are blessed with the "Jamie Bunch"! From the moment they came into my family, I have loved these children and they love me back! They are famous friends with the other three kids; they all love each other and just click. (well OK, sometimes we have drama) Each one of them have beautiful hearts and spirits, which makes me a profoundly blessed Grandmother. Sky is going to be a musician, I just know it! He is incredibly good and practices like a machine. He is so gentle, but straightforward with his words. Amber is so beautiful and isn't full of herself like some are. She is sweet to everyone and caring about others. She is so easy to talk to, sometimes I may tell her too much! Mandy, my little chocoholic, is very smart, very active and very hands on. She cracks me up when she wants chocolate! She's just like me! I'm also proud of my bangin nieces (Aim, Sash, Tay, Andea, LaLa and Libb) and killer nephews (Jase, Dave, Deed, Jake, Colby and Caden); who are all talented and smart as whips! It's a blast when we all get together, cause a ton of piggin out and laughter is what we're doing! Oh yeah... I have the most incredible brother and sisters of anyone I know. We grew up in a tiny house, 5 siblings with parents, and it literally caused us to be "close". Even when there are problems, and certainly there are, we choose to show love and forgiveness to resolve them. Life is too short to hold grudges or be offended. My Mother is still alive and well and beautiful. Her prayers are the reason I'm even alive. Thanks Mama! I love you!I do know I'm blessed being an American, where we far surpass the abundance and opportunities of any other nation. We've got it made in this great country and we're still spoiled brats! Talking to myself here. A need for year round Thanksgiving would be highly appropriate. I am die-hard patriotic because my parents taught me to be, and I am discovering my Indian heritage as well. My Daddy (1/4 Osage) was in the Marine Corp and served in Guam, bunkering down in a foxhole he dug on the beach while in active combat. He lost 3 best friends from High School, and 30 years later would cry instantly when talking about them. I also am highly aware that Indian tribes lost lives and land yet to be repaid due to war. To realize that people have laid down or lost their lives for us to indulge in the freedoms we do is more than I can deal with sometimes. This brings to mind the fact that a member of the Godhead, Jesus Christ, layed down His life for all of mankind, so that they can have the abundant and eternal life. How do we wrap our little minds and hearts around that? By believing it! I hold in high regard the flag of the United States of America. It represents the greatest nation on earth, does not touch the ground, goes up precisely at dawn and down precisely at dusk.Even though I am pro-America, that doesn't mean I love the world. This world just ain't my home. I literally am a stranger and alien, not just in my own nation, but the world. So many things are unfair, unjust and unGodly in this country. So, I try to live right, mind my own business, work, pray and hope for the Lord to return SOON! In the meantime, I'd like to be around to see big brother ~(the illuminati) be exposed. My position is one of intercession, peace, wisdom and focusing on the Lord Jesus. Anything else, such as the sorry state of affairs in this world or this world's system, simply takes a back seat...and doesn't take the place of me keeping my eyes fixed on Jesus.I totally love to sing and dance at home, where music is always in the air. Jesus drags (the literal meaning of the word "draw" such as in 'draw me nearer') me around everywhere I go, but religion isn't my bag. It wasn't His either. He called the religious scholars of His day 'a brood of vipers', because they knew the Word but condemned people with it. I want to be known as a compassionate, merciful, loving person because that's how Jesus is. I am devoted to my Savior, Christ Jesus, and have a 24x7 relationship with Him. He chased me down and saved me from myself! I've been called too grace oriented, but as for me, I'd rather err on the side of mercy than of judgment. That way of believing is appropriate, cause that's how He made me! Besides, it'd be a real drag if everyone were alike. All unique personality and character traits are needed in this world, complying with the specific design by God of each human being. Can we just get along?
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I'd like to meet:

The Alpha and The Omega (my real Daddy), all non-religious believers in Christ Jesus, people who truly know how to love, people who don't see color, people that do not judge, people who prefer others over themselves, all children that need love...cause I'll give it to them on the spot, all that know who they are in God (meaning you have royal blood flowing through your veins), Corrie Ten Boom, Jesus’ Mother Mary, the Apostle Paul, King David, Deborah the Judge and Prophetess (who I am named after), Queen Esther, Ruth, Naomi, Mary Magdalene, the 12 disciples, relatives I never knew, Dug Pinnick, Paul McCartney, all Osage Indians (my people!), all Indian tribes, Europeans and other ethnic types from around the world.

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