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About Me

'ello, Ben here. You may have seen me at such Bristol gigs as Babel, The CeDaR, Roger Tarry, The 3 Ho's, The She Creatures and the occasional Phantom Limb performance to name but a few. I can often be found propping up the bar at various music venues around Bristol with my good friend Tobes (Roger Tarry's pianist).

I play in a band called Wireman ( . Think Eddie Vedder shagging Gemma Hayes… it won’t necessarily give you a better idea about the music… it’s just something to think about.

When not listening to live music or working, I am most likely to be on the way to the Devon coast for a bit of beer, pool and surf… or if it’s winter, thinking about snowboarding!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Marion Cottilard

My Blog

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