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I like to make things I'm really good with my hands, I'm really into making hemp jewellery at the mo just for fun. The biggest joy in my life is to sing and I am now in a band called AREA 51.
I am also in complementry therapy and medical alternatives such a herbalism, reiki, and other holistic treatments. So much so that I am going back to the book to be a qualified practioner.
You scored as Hippy,
Athletic Tomboy
Nerdy Girl
Popular Bitch
Preppy Girl
I would love to meet David Tennant (the awesomest Doctor Who), Hugh Fearnly-Whittingstall, Trent Reznor, Sharon O (again just cos she's so awesome) Rammnstein, George.W.Bush (so i can smack him with a big fish!!),Sandi Thom, Enya, Alanis Morrisette (she's god you know!!) and the Dahli Lahma (cos he's cool)FREE TIBET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BOYCOTT THE OLYMPICS!!!!!!Support AREA 51!!!!!!!
I like everything from the beatles to bezerker and from santana to slipknot. BUT I LOVE BJORK REALLY LOUD ALL THE TIME!! I am now in a band, check us out AREA 51!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love horror and comedy I will watch the occasional chick flick. Thought I'd add this I watched it and I laughed my ass off not to mention they are fookin adorable.
I LOVE DOCTOR WHO!!! Dharma and Greg, Charmed (guilty pleasure),Ray Mears, Torchwood, Most Haunted, C.S.I, Bones, Cold Case, Nip/Tuck, Scrubs erm ...... oh yeah I live for river cottage. EVERYONE LOVES THE TELLITUBIES
Currently reading The mists of Avalon by Marion Zimmer Bradley Please purchase yourself a copy it is an awesome book!! It's a beautifully haunting story and a book once you start you just can't put down.
Anyone who has the will to want to change the world!!! HUGH FEARNLEY-WHITTINGSTALL