manic fable profile picture

manic fable

I am here for Friends

About Me

a yo its manic i dont know why i think satanic got to do with my ability to never panic its a fable my pshycosis is ment to be enabled showed me by the shadows in jail now im able to seek an destroy the minds of motherfuckers who attempt to opress mines from engaging pink floyd tell me when you want to go it takes many shots of haldol wit a big ass needle in the arms and ass now you know trippin in a mental emergency pshyciactric observency time becomes slow crawling when you see blurry from poppin antipyhscotic medicine invoulantarily along with the crazies kinda scary schitzo frenzy wont ever be stableized by a pyscho logicalesst nazi enterprise,underground is where it be free from all reality alone but not suicidally especially if when i here them calling me without meds theres no end no surrender to the voices in my head with a prescription for life i'd think twice before dying with a vice the government created to control the roll of luaghing sams dice must be nice to switch pills until the mind becomes chemically yield permenatley generating power in the matrix fields...its very difficult for me to express myself as far` as my not being able to see the way i come to say or do the things i do clearly.(not remembering)..for some time now ive been influenced by much of what`i listen to by way of demeans so i could connectto where the inspiration comes from such as dark or light places therefore my stimuli and musical figures i view as leaders have made an impact on what i lreaned from thm by following and now im making a concious effort to take the steps neccessarry to lead far so good...jus picture a black kitten thats all black cept for his chest and paws which are white he lives outside where i doSiKiaMiKaNaNiCO is all you needs to know oh and if i were a...i'dif i believed everything i saw on television i'd...think like brady bunch eat wendys for lunch drive a datsun subuaru and never questions much get a 9 to 5 never have a life married at 20 have two kids then divorce my wife then i'll be a cop!and i wont be stopped power trippin robot jus chewin off my said it angelo
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Blu & Ericailcane...Managua, N.I.(more to do with my solicitude than actually my own self).. ..

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

people who dont put a front and get pissed on there head,and a nympho,tai kwon do fighting chimp,sarah penderonce upon a time,there wa a bank C.E.O who decided to make a lot of home loans to people he knew could not pay them back.As a result C.E.O. made $50,000,000 in bonuses and stock options>But then the loans went bad.And as a result, the banks employees lost their jobs.And the banks shareholders lost their money>And the homeowners lost their homes.and taxpayers with no connection to the bank had to pay all the money to fix it.And C.E.O got to keep all of his $50,000,000 and live happily ever after in his Connecticut mansion.....Fairy tale by Rat

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My Blog

unconsciously confined

at what point in life does one accept it?at what point in the mind can one fathom it?at what point do you say to yourself who the fuck am I?Take away all the things that make me ill be me with our wit...
Posted by on Thu, 27 May 2010 11:39:00 GMT

the part in you you cant see until you cant see anythin else completley

your spirit is more than jus what meets the eye it does this its every where your not its indestructable its all knowing if it doesnt do this it will goin from place to place not even takin ...
Posted by on Mon, 04 Jun 2007 12:16:00 GMT

the unique sound in each individual person

have any one ever thought about it has any one ever felt it does any believe this do i believe this i jus cant say but i know my feeling jus beneath beneath where the darkest part of me lies its up to...
Posted by on Wed, 24 Jan 2007 00:19:00 GMT

The transcending Me" target="_blank">.. 82022_l.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting">
Posted by on Sun, 10 Dec 2006 01:24:00 GMT