I wnT 2 meeT sOme1LiK yOu! Some1 hU will RESPECT and LOVE mE GenUineLy wiTh hEarT nD LyF, Some1 hU is wiLliNg 2 WAIT LONG! Some0ne hU will UNDERSTAND mY SiTuAtiOns in LyF.. Some1 hU Cn ACCEPT mY FAMILY!Some1 hU Cn taKe CrueL w0rDs, pUnCheS nD ThreaTs bCoz Of mE nD stiLL STAND By mY SiDe! Some1 who'll neVer LeaVe mE in Thin Air! Some1 hU wilL ALWAYS BE THERE...even not PhysicaLLy but "HEARTFULLY"...Some1 hU will taKe mE in Her armS nD ComfOrt mE when I come cying to her... Some1 hU is SENSITIVE Enough tO reaLiZe im hUrTing nD that he'll do anything jUsT tO cHeer mE Up... Some1 WHO CAN MAKE A PROMISE nD NEVER BREAK IT... Some1 I CAN GIVE MY EVERYTHING without her abusing it... Some1 hU will CRY for me.. Some1 who will RIDE and DIE with me...Some1 i Cn LAUGH with nD CRY with.. Some1 hU Cn TaKe mY sillyness nD SupEr talkativeness in a cheerful way!Some1 hU Cn say "I LOVE YOU" noT bCoz hEr nEeds tO,or has 2 or rpLy 2 or need somethnG in return, but bCoz oF hIm........Send my pics and video to your cell phone!
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