1. Anything that gets the blood going. 2. Intelligent conversation. 3. Basketball, Football, Martial Arts, and Bull-riding ( I like seeing them crazy ass fools getting jacked up, and taming the beast). 4. Music 5. Movies 6. Skydiving ( I tried it once, you don't fly or float like the movies, you drop like a fuckin rock but its a hell of a ride.)
Someone Real!!! first and foremost... Tired of games. fun, energetic and full of spunk... I have a hard shell so she has to be able to make me melt... So if your that person feel free to contact me. " I see no color lines."
Anything with a sick beat, rap, r&b, rock, oldies, country (Yeah I said country, they sing about the real shit in life.)
My taste is all over the place, on one side I have Scarface and Goodfellas, and on the other the Notebook, Dirty Dancing, A walk to Remember, and My Girl
History Channel, and Sportscenter.
Michael Chrighton, James Patterson, and some trade journals. Trade journals get boring after a while, but you got to do what you got to get that money.
Anyone who has succeeded in life doing something they love...