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I am here for Friends

About Me

This is 4 Kiera. So then she can decide if she wants to be my friend :).My name is Kerri. I am twenty years old (today, actually, as today is 1st of February 2008 yay!). I live in Leumeah with my good friend and workmate Jenny who puts up with me even though (apparently) i'm moody and always have to be right (but she wouldn't want me any other way!). If i'm friends with you then you're pretty much stuck with me for life so apologies to Kiera, Wendy, Butler, Rachel and co. but I'm not going anywhere (don't run, i'll find you). I love love love my family even if they are a bit kooky sometimes. Anything else you need to know you should probably just ask me coz right now i have to get back to work. Buh bye!

My Blog

going home...

i'm going home for the weekend and i'm so excited. i love my home! and i get to play paintball yay!!! ...i'm gonna die, but at least it'll be fun! all i have to do is find mitchell a present...
Posted by on Thu, 30 Mar 2006 14:59:00 GMT