aYnA MaRdEeYaH profile picture

aYnA MaRdEeYaH

~LiFe hAd NeVa bEeN tiS gEwD..!!~

About Me

wELL;; bout me? wat haa? hurm..let me think first..hrm...huh..ok firstly..ppl just call me AYNA..my life is cool n simple..I LUV to go shopping n have fun wit my frens..cnt stand any nice n c0ol handbags,shuz,cl0thes n make up..my family n frens r everything to me.. talkactive gal..luv to talk the whole day..lyke to LAF too..LUV PURPLE stuff..sensitive..sumtimes..a lil bit stubborn n vr2 manje too =]..luv to make frens..shakes muh b0oty !!

My Interests

uMm..mUsIc, sHoPpiNg, tRavElLiNg, hAnG oUt WiF mUh gEwd BudDieS, PuRpLe-really2 addicted 2 dis colour..:), MoViEs, mY pHoNe, DanCiNg, pEirCiNg, gUiTaR, CHAD MICHAEL MURRAY !!! =)......

I'd like to meet:

h0t guys.. h0t guys lagi.. MORE hot guyss !!! =)n of cz Y.O.U !!


anYthiNg dAt mAkEs mE wAnnA sHakE mUh b0oty..!!! ;)


a walk to rememba[guess its da sweetest movie tru da year..heh], bring it on, uptown gal, wat a gal want, da lizzie mcguire movie, freaky friday..n all da latest movie..


ONE TREE HILL !! the HiLLs,,the O.C,,LaGunA bEaCh,,aMeRicA..s nExT t0p mOdEL,,g0L&gIncU da sEriEs,,dEspeRaTe h0uSewiVes,,mTv !!


sHoPaHoLiC SeRieS..FrAnCinE PasCaL n MeG CaBoT bOoKs..cLeO..SeVenTeEn..SuGaR..CoSmOgUrL..O.K..HOT