the bombay shit that’s tokeable !!!!
[gUys] [f00d] [guYs] [mus!c] [guyS] [b00ks] [GuYs] [m0v!es] [gUyeS] [sh0eS] [guYs] [fr!eNds] [guYs] [cl0thEs] [ ♥ p*r0d ♥ gRec0 ♥ ]
brandon boyd, gael garcia, pharreLL, greco, aRod, pRod ::agAin::, t.i.,chIco brenes,davID beckHam,geoFF,alFonso herreRa, aDriAn lopEz, tysOn beckFord, niCholas goNzalez,thE guY of mY dreAms♥... aNd kewL pEople
[babAs0n!c0s] [beLan0vA] [haNds0me b0y m0deL!ng sch00l] [thE clAsh] [al!eN anT faRm] [beL!nda] [b0ne thUgs n* harm0ny] [the ram0neS] [thE m!sf!ts] [0L'd!rty bastArd] [tHe ad!cts] [r!haNna] [j0hN legEnD] [as bl00d runS blaCk] [chr!s br0wn] [tHe chEm!caL br0thErs] [muSe] [sn0w paTr0L] [b!Lly !d0L] [y!ng yAng tw!ns] [l!l* j0hN] [s0dastEr!0] [raGe aga!nSt thE mach!nE] [m0dErn engL!sH] [bl0c paRty] [juAneS] [eL tr!] [p.0.d] [sw!tcHf00t] [grEen daY] [0utKasT] [mad0Nna] [la uN!0n] [g0r!LLaz] [beAst!e b0yS] [ch!ngy] [n0 d0ubT] [p0rt!shEad][kaNye wEst] [eaZy-E] [ludaCr!s] [aRethA fraNk!n] [tHe wa!lerS] [b!ll!e h0L!day] [b!Lly paUl] [thE jaCks0Ns] [elv!s] [thE styL!st!cS] [tHe deLf0n!cs] [elt0n j0hN] [l!0neL r!ch!e] [tHe c0mm0d0rEs] [frAnk s!natrA] [d!anA r0ss] [sm0key r0b!ns0n] [thE r!ghte0us br0tHerS][tHe grAtefuL deAd] [zZ t0p] [kaNsas] [hawtHr0ne he!ghts] [s!lvErste!n] [aS ! lAy dy!ng] [tHe cUre] [thE teMptat!0ns] [fLeeTw00d mAc] [bl0nd!e] [steLLaStaRR] [tHe beAtLes] [aL gReEn] [0t!s reDd!ng] [eaRly n0vEmbEr] [m0tlEy crUe] [the v!neS] [bLuR][the h!veS] [b0n j0v!] [c0ldpLaY] [wEezEr] [sysTem 0f a d0wN] [k0rN] [thE k!llErs] [tHe str0keS] [the uSed] [saNtana] [tHe m0nkeYs] [faLl 0ut b0Y] [thR!ce] [gunS n* r0sEs] [thReE daYs grAce] [mar00n 5] [jaCk joHns0n] [puSsycat d0LLs][micHaEl jacks0n] [tR!LLv!LLe] [T.!] [ ♥ pHarrELL ♥ ] [v!oleNt femmEs] [meGadeTh][bl!nk 182] [metAll!ca] [b0b maRleY] [tHe d00rs] [bLacK sabbaTh] [p!nk fl0yd] [qu!et r!0t] [cynd! laUper] [thE eaGleS] [j0urnEy] [leD zeppEl!n] [thUrsDay] [my cHem!CaL r0mAnce] [vaN haLen] [sn00p d0gg] [taK!ng baCk sUndaY] [pan!c aT thE d!sc0] [at tHe dr!ve-!n] [sUbl!me] [reD h0t ch!LL! peppErs] [peNnyw!se] [thE 0fFspr!ng] [aC/dC] [tHe r0ll!ng st0neS] [aer0sm!th] [qUeEn] [tw!steD s!steR] [j!mMy eAt w0rLd] [n!rvaNa] [Mat!syaHu] [b!gG!e smAllS] [dR. drE] [tUpaC] [thE seX p!st0Ls][ ♥ !ncUbuS ♥ ] [sOc!aL d!stOrt!on] [cypReSs h!LL] [cHaLey patt0n] [gYm cLass hEr0s] [juL!eta veNegas] [neCr0] [beL!nda] [caLLe 13] [m0teL] [kenNa] [aK0n] [j!m j0nes] [s!desT0ry] [luPe f!asc0] [vaL!ent th0rR] [!mm0rtaL tEchn!quE] [sHe waNts reVenGe] [arT!c m0nkEys] [jUrass!c 5] [luN!z] [leNny kRav!tz] [nAs] [oaS!s] [pEppEr] [s!lvErsUn p!cKuPs]
[thE d00rs m0v!e] [tHe waLL] [SLC pUnKs] [s0me chEap skaT!ng v!de0] [thE sanDl0t] [scaArfaCe] [cl0cKw0rk 0rAnGe]tHe n0teb00k] [amer!caN h!st0ry X] [b0mb tHe sYstEm] [frEsh] [y0uthaNas!a] [hAv0c] [0ctAne] [br!ghT y0unG th!ngS] [dOnN!e dRakO]
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marY jaNe..