I have a new and unrivalled interest every other week it seems like. Currently I enjoy painting and pounding away on my keyboard. I like hot baths and a good book. I have been really into 1930's and 40's jazz and swing for the last few years, especially the Boswell Sisters, which if you haven't heard them, you should check them out. I also like hip-hop if it has something intelligent and meaningful to say such as Sage Francis and the Blue Scholars. I have been reading the Dark Tower series by Stephen King, and I'm thinking that these books pretty much rock. My sister also has me reading "Candide" by Voltaire, a master of satire. I like to sing in the shower, scaring my dogs out of the room. I like to drive too fast and sometimes I enjoy bouts of road rage at people who do not have the same interest. I enjoy dressing a little bit different every day; sometimes its punk, sometimes its bohemian, and other times I can't even put a name on what exactly I was thinking on that particular morning (others cannot fathom it either, I'm afraid).
Jonathan Stuart! Needless to say he is one of my many heroes. I would also like to meet Leonard Cohen, as I think he would have many and several hours of entertaining stories that would make for one hell of an evening. I would also like to meet Cuntasleeza Rice so I can slap her like the bitch she is.
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Sage Francis, The Blue Scholars, Johnny Cash, The Boswell Sisters, Dean Martin, BOBBY DARIN!, KMFDM, NOFX, Brighteyes, Depeche (Depress) Mode, Kay Starr, Phil Ochs, I will add more later ( :
Monty Python (all of them), A Fish Called Wanda, I like Stanley Kubrick films, David Lynch (except Nadia), Movies that scare the $%..& out of me, The Princess Bride, Gone With the Wind, That Touch of Mink, Pillow Talk, If a Man Answers, Peyton Place, Pulp Fiction, etc.
CSI Rocks!, Law and Order, Arrested Development, OZ, Forensic Files, American Justice. I HATE reality shows. They will be the downfall of mankind, mark my words!
The Dark Tower Series, Holy Blood Holy Grail, The Hollow Man, OLD Dean Koontz books, Anne Rice books, true crime novels, Charles Bukowski poetry, Kurt Vonnegut and I've really enjoyed the sick and satirical brilliance of Carlton Mellick, Who wouldn't love Baby Jesus Butt Plug?
Jon Stuart, Amy Goodman, Sage Francis, Bob Dylan, Einstein, Jefferson, my daddy (ohhhh, isn't that sweet?)