Mixing trip-hop, metal, and esoteric noise neighborhood renowned audio sculptor DJ Miasmic (a.k.a Patrick Yeck) strikes fear into the tympanic membrane. God help us all.
Member Since: 1/26/2006
Band Website: www.soundclick.com/djmiasmic"soundclick.com/djmiasmic
Band Members: mi·as·mic: 2 : an influence or atmosphere that tends to deplete or corrupt:
Influences: If you like what you're hearing now then click on the TUNESQUARE or SOUNDCLICK link above and download all the FREE DJ Miasmic MP3s your hard drive can handle. :
Sounds Like: Breaking glass to some, morbid feline wails to others and, somewhere on the planet, some poor bastard is listening.:
Record Label: Ummmmmm.................
Type of Label: None