Hi, for everyone that does not know yet! my name is Marcelino D. Gerena but, from my title you can see I go by many names so u pick 1. I am 25.What do i do?? hmmmmmmmm basically everything and anything that can hold my attention for more than 15 seconds!!But, for a living I am a freelance graphic designer who mainly designs for POSTERCHILD MARKETING.Now for more of who I am??!! ask away I wont hold back! I am not a shy person at all I have plenty to tell & show. I have always felt that if you hold back you can miss out on something incredible either in life or in experiences, I am always taking chances whether is be physically or mentally I stay constantly challenging myself in the hope that I will continue to grow as a person as well as an adult! With my interests I try to stay entirely broad and open in all aspects of my lifei.e: music,style,clothes,designs,friends,nightlife,t.v.,movies, and so on and so on and so forth.I guess mainly because I am not trying to get bored with life in general i think that's the biggest problem with this city is that everyone always wants to do the same thing as well what everyone else wants to do never really striving to be unique, diverse, or even ones self lol no real reason to give off this insane impression of who you are JUST you should be sufficient. I don't know really this is just how I feel if you agree that's whats up if not ok!......Well for anything else you know what to do!!