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Who is this Jimmy guy?

So you want to know more about me, eh? Well, don’t say I didn’t warn you..

This is the most difficult to write. Why would anyone want to write about themselves? However in order to serve the purpose of this page, I’ve developed some FAQs about myself:

Q. Who, where, what, why?
A. Jimmy Purba, Houston TX, geek, because geekness is a gift.

Q. So who’s the lucky girl?
A. Paris Hilton of course. Who else?

Q. Coke or Dr. Pepper?
A. Iced water.

Q. If you were to be given 1 million dollars, what would you do with it?
A. First, I would indulge myself with lots of Twinkies . Then I’d invest the rest in money market.

Q. What do your friends call you?
A. Jimmy, the standards crazy.

Q. Favorite quote?
A. I can do everything through Him who gives me strength (Phil 4:13).

Q. Name three things you can’t live without?
A. My laptop, my laptop, and have I mentioned my laptop?

Q. What CD would you buy next?
A. Dave Grusin - The Very Best of Dave Grusin.

Q. PC games?
A. Age of Empires 3 and daily mahjong .

Vitals /////////

Age :: twenty eight
Body :: not tall, not short
Here for :: friends / networking
Orientation :: women
Ethnicity :: pacific islander
Occupation :: geek

Interests /////////

Music :: royal quartet and senior citizens choir
Books :: huh? don't people give these to short friends to sit on?
Movies :: legally blonde, titanic, and the golden girls

Links /////////

jimmypurba.com :: daily nonsense
digg.com :: the diggnation
flickr :: personal Flickr photostream

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The Junkyard

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