Happy Cousin to the Future Mrs.Coppola profile picture

Happy Cousin to the Future Mrs.Coppola


About Me

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myspace codes myspace layoutsMyspace Layouts Myspace Video Codes I'm 34 yrs old I have three wonderful boys! I like being a stay at home mom for now anyway! I love my family very very much my boys especially! To my husband even though you are a pain in the ass I still Luv ya!! To my mother my best friend my inspiration Have I told you Lately That I Love You! I truly do mom you've been there through all my hard times I love you! To my wonderful father without you where would I be today? Thank you for all your help and support! To my kids I love you all equally and with all my heart you guys complete me. To all my GSP girls I love and miss you all. We had many good times together none of you will be forgotten! To Debbie thank you for listening to all my shit and being there to help me out luv ya!!!! Karen thank you also for helping me out and letting me vent I luv ya! To Ashley I love and miss you so much be a good girl and always remember Im here for you always!

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