Mac Gâ„¢ profile picture

Mac Gâ„¢

About Me

.. Pics From Denafest '06! Fresh Competition w/ Mac G... Click Image to Enter. Thanks to Sarah for taking all of these great pics. Thanks to Fresh for getting me on stage for the 1st time in 8 years. Thanks to everyone who made the show possible!
Super Gay Myspace Survey
* . . About You . . *
Eye Color:: blue
Hair Color:: brown, when I have any
Height:: 6'3"
Favorite Color:: black
Screen Name:: jm4designs
Favorite Band:: Led Zeppelin
Favorite Movie:: Scarface
Favorite Show:: Right now it's House, until the Ultimate Fighter returns
Your Car:: 98 Camaro
Your Hometown:: B-More
Your Present Town:: B-more
Your Crushes First Name:: can't remember, Shannon something?
Your Grade:: A+
Your Style:: ghetto-prep?
* . . Have You Ever . . *
Sat on your rooftop? not at the new place
Kissed someone in the rain? yes
Danced in a public place? yes, but i try not to
Smiled for no reason? not for no reason, usually when I'm thinking about something perverted
Laughed so hard you cried? yes, about a non-existant lazy eye
Peed your pants after age 8? nope
Written a song? yeah, plenty
Sang to someone for no reason? yup
Performed on a stage? yup
Talked to someone you dont know? yup
Gone out of your way to befriend someone? yup
Made out in a theatre? yup
Gone roller skating since 8th grade? roller-blading, yes
Been in love? I am in love!
* . . Who was the last person to . . *
Say HI to you? Sarah
Tell you, I love you? Sarah
Kiss you? Sarah
Hug you? Sarah
Tell you BYE? Sarah
Write you a note? Sarah
Take your photo? Fresh
Call your cell phone? a staffing agency trying to give me a job
Buy you something? me
Go with you to the movies? Sarah
Sing to you? Sarah
Write a poem about you? Sarah
Text message you? Jamie maybe? I don't get many texts
Touch you? Sarah
* . . What is the last . . *
Time you laughed? about 10 minutes ago
Time you cried? it's been forever
Movie you watched? Scarface
Joke you told? When someone has a lazy eye, they're keeping one eye on the past and one on the future
Song you have sang? Dare to Dream
Time you have looked at the clock? just now
Drink you have had? beer @ dad's
Number you have dialed? mom's work
Book you have read? working on "Influence- the psychology of persuasion"
Food you have eaten? pop tart
Flavor of gum chewed? berry
Shoes you have worn? timberlands
Store you have been in? Royal Farms
Thing you have said? that damn job is back again for corrections
* . . Can You . . *
Write with both hands? not very well
Whistle? yes
Blow a bubble? who's bubbles?
Roll your tounge in a circle? yup
Cross your eyes? yup
Touch your tounge to your nose? pretty damn close
Dance? not really
Gleek? yes
Stay up a whole night without sleep? back in the day
Speak a different language? enough spanish to find out where my pants are
Impersonate someone? barney, geico gecko, bruce buffer
Prank call people? all the time
Make a card pyramid? that shit is too hard, I don't have the patience
Cook anything? I can cook lots of good stuff, I used to work in a kitchen
* . . Finish The Line . . *
If i were a . millionaire, i wouldn't be here right now
I wish . i could shoot a laser out of my cock
So many people dont know that . i am half black. (from the waist down)
I am . bored with this survey
My heart is . beating in time with my one true love's
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My Blog

Crazy Chantix Dreams

"Judge of your natural character by what you do in your dreams." -Ralph Waldo Emerson Well well well.... it's been a while! Some of you may know that I'm taking Chantix to quit smoking. When I got ...
Posted by on Thu, 29 Mar 2007 23:24:00 GMT