"Insert whitty, hilarious blurb about yourself that makes you seem way cooler than you already are here"
Here are a couple things that I think you should know about me if you consider yourself my friend, or would like to get to know me.
Things that I like:
Beautiful smiles. Sunsets. Sunrises. Bonfires at my parents' house during the late spring. The first signs of fall. Giving without expectations. Putting the imagination goggles. Cute 'I saw you' ads. Dogs that match their owners. Coffee outings with friends. Puffy clouds that leave room for imagination. Being a homebody. Mandarin green tea, which is apparently impossible to find nowadays. Contagiously unique laughs. Reading in the park. Musicians that play with PASSION. Seeing people running for the bus, and missing it. Catching up with old friends, and making new ones. Sitting at a cafe, watching the quirks of every person that walks by.
Things I dislike:
Being forgetful. Irritable moods that tend to make everything around you worse than it really is. Losing your favourite pen, or having it run out when youre in the middle of writing. Chatter (*chatter chatter*). Music that's so loud that you can't hear your own thoughts. Coming home to find that there are mice in your house. Cramps. Not having the courage to go up and talk to someone that you have a thing for. Saying the wrong thing at the wrong time.
So, shallow myspace lurkers, do you think I have what it takes?