a simple girl...nothing to describe about me..just look and
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all PeOpLe in This worLd Who wAntS to Know Me...my sibLingS AnD my bEloVed FamiLy...:)))...aLl My SchOOlmaTe...
r&b...i LisEncE to all MusiC acTuAllY..:))
shE'S All That..Now And Then..ShE's The Man...a Walk to RememBer...ada apA dEnGan CinTa...uRbAn LeGend...heArT...all ScArY mOvIe..
deSpErate hoUsewiVe..O.C..SMallVillE..AkaDemi FanTasIa..FrienDs...C.S.I..M.T.V.CriBs...DoUblEshOooTs...tRE k SelebRiTi..PIMp My RiDE..OpRAh..