About Me
This is how it is
I'm Samantha, but you can call me Sammy;
I'm nothing but your average 19 year old.
I study law at Southampton University.
I'm fed up of people constantly making misrepresentations, or making promises and breaking them.
So don't.
I like to drink until I pass out.
I'd rather live than live forever (:
You wont learn much about me from reading this, but it's a start.
Now here's the serious part, where I tell you about myself (:
Let's engage in conversation.
First and foremost, my friends and family are what shape and define me. They mean everything to me.
I love photography, I love good movies, I love perfumes, I love talking for hours on the phone, I love dancing, I love going out, I love parties, I love kisses, and I love LIFE.
I'm extremely inspired by the earlier generations. Apparently no one's getting wiser with age, and the new kids coming around just don't know how to do it like they did in the 50's. I love the pin ups, the style, the music.. everything that was iconic about the era. I'm currently being introduced to rockabilly shinannigans and loving it (:
I'm a bit of a fag hag at heart, and am currently seeking a gay best friend. Preferably Simon Amstell. Guy's a genius.
I'm completely obsessed with America's Next Top Model, I've seen pretty much every episode of every series, and if there's any I haven't seen, I'm working my way through them on youtube as we speak.
- I now seem to have found a new obsession with Miami ink, and as such am fascinated by people's tattoos. If I can find one meaningful enough to me, I'll get one some day. -
Tattoos turn me on.
I LOVE to laugh. Anyone that can make me laugh a lot is instantly a keeper.
I love to shop. People think the concept of the 'Shopaholic' books and movie are stupid, but that's pretty much a big reflection of my life. I hate to admit it but it's what many would call obsession.
I'm fairly addicted to Facebook, but still believe MySpace should make a comeback. In fact I'm pretty addicted to my laptop in general. It's beautiful (:
Music is very important to me, I live and breathe it. Live music is the ultimate.
Having said that I don't believe in being confined to one genre. I have pretty much the broadest music tastes ever, and will give everything a try at least once.
I'm really quite sick of the new generation of MySpace posers. Tbh, one day, you're going to get old and ugly. Get over it.
You should love people for who they are, not how they look or what they wear.
I prefer close friends to accessories. Trust and humour is essential.
I'll listen to you if you have something to say.
I'd like to think I'm nice, but in the end it all comes down to interpretation. Everyone has their own opinion, but I'd rather you kept it to yourself if you've got nothing nice to say.
I've made mistakes, I've dented hearts, but that doesn't change who I am.
I'd like to be your friend, so please make the effort.
I'd quite like to make a difference in this world.
It doesn't have to be big; but to be remembered in the history books for being someone that was needed would pretty much complete my life.
I really like guys with good hair.
One day, I hope to look back and know I did all the wrong things for all the right reasons.
The people closest to my heart.
Amy: "The crazy one"
One of my best friends. We've been through a lot over the years but you always come through for me. I love your enthusiasm and the way you cut hair, especially mine when i allow you to go mental on it.. which isn't often haha. I love going out with you, being drunk with you, or generally chilling with you. You've made a huge impact on my life and I know that whatever happens we have a friendship that'll never really fade. Thank you for always being there despite all the stupid mistakes I've made that should have prevented that. I love you so much.
Anna P: "The all-rounder"
You now come in a bit of a 'package' with Amy, but I wouldn't have it any other way (:. You're funny, crazy and so so caring, I've never met anyone as selfless as you. I know I can always come to you for sound advice when I need it, or a giggle/glass of wine and chillax. You and Amy are great to be around whether you're together or not. I love you.
Dorcas: "The token black girl" ;)
You are by far one of the best friends I've ever met. You are so special to me, and although we've distanced since being at uni, when we talk again it's like we were never apart. You make me laugh more than anyone and are the most sincere and frank person out of everyone I know. You're utterly crazy. I love you.
Anna B-S: "The ginger one"
I don't talk to you as much now that we're both at uni, but I love phoning you for random chats. You're the most discreet person I know, and best secret keeper. We banter constantly and could insult each other pretty much forever. It's one of the funnest pass times I know. You're good for a bitch, a moan (and let's face it, what else do i do when we speak!?), or just a general laugh. Another keeper. I love you.
Ashton: "The funny one"
You never fail to have me in fits of laughter. You're witty to the point of disbelief, and I always have a great night out when you're there. When you're drunk, it just gets even better (:. You don't know your limit anymore when it comes to alcohol and often have to be carried out of the pub, but it makes everyone laugh so much. I think you've really changed since uni, but in a good way. I don't know if you'll see this, but I'm so glad we've kept in contact. I love you.
Lizzie: "The one that always puts her foot in it"
You are one of my funniest friends bar Ashton. You always have a story to tell about how you insulted someone or did something you shouldn't have. You're always in some sort of trouble with someone, but at the same time always the popular one with people too. I'll never forget how you called Zoe a twat thinking she wouldn't hear. It really was one of the highlights of my entire life. I love going out with you for drinks, it always promises to be one of the best nights. I love you.
Vicky: "The clever one"
So we all always knew you'd get to where you want to be. I love that even at Cambridge, you haven't changed a bit (apart from maybe the ever-varying shade of your hair). You're modest, funny, and one of the most stressed-out people I know. It's hilarious revising with you and lizzie, law really wouldn't have been the same without you. I love how we can go so long without talking, but nothing ever changes when we're together. You guys make me laugh so much. I love you.
Emily: "The brummy one"
Seriously, even now, I can't get over your accent. I know you hate sometimes when we make fun of it, but it's one of those things that just wont ever get old - gutted haha. You were one of the first friends I made at uni, it was so unexpected. We got so close so quickly, and you'll always be my best friend there. You have the best style of pretty much everyone I know. You're funny, caring, and generally just amazing. I love nights out with you. I love you.
Jess Farley: "The Farmer One"
Alright my loverrrr! You. Are. Amazing. I know we didn't get on all that well at first, or at least, we didn't talk very much; but I've grown to absolutely love you. You're the best flatmate I could have hoped for, right from the very first moment we met and you helped me carry in all my stuff(: You're always crazy and hyper, you're a great cook (which comes in useful given my pretty much non-existant skills!) and never mind me bursting into your room to lounge and chat. You make me laugh so much, I just wish we'd got talking sooner! I love youuuu
Ellie: "The spoiled one - aka daddy's little princess"
You act offended by the label, but we all know you love it really ;). Your laugh is one of the funniest of anyone I know. I haven't known you as long as everyone else but you've already proved you're one of the funnest on a night out! Carnage or car videos much? Driving to brum and back with you was so funny, I don't think I've ever had so much fun spending so many hours in the car! Another in the 'swallow' club. I love you (:
James: "The chinky one"
Firstly, I love how utterly asian you look. Your stupid jokes always make me laugh somehow (TEQUILA), and a night out wouldn't really be the same without you. I also love Sue. There's always something funny about you, from your speech impedement ("my tongue's too big for my mouth!") to the constant holes in your socks. You're the biggest girl I know. I know you love Gossip Girl, and even more; enchanted. However much you deny it, you love wearing that bow in your hair on the girly nights in. I love you.
Pat: "The grumpy one"
Name says it all really.. You really are the grumpy one. Somehow though you manage to do it in the funniest way (: even if it means your constantly taking the piss out of anyone that happens to be around, from my swallow necklace to Emiloy's accent. You are hilarious though, and definitely one of the best guy mates I've found at uni. You're hilarious to be with on nights out or to chat with randomly on msn. I love you.
Holly: "The cute one"
You really are looovely (: You're hilarious, particularly when you make fun of Emily's gas habits, and can always be relied on to make a witty comment at the best moments. You're always there for me if I need to talk, and are generally just an amazing friend. You and Pat are the cutest couple ever (:. I love you.
Fran: "The annoying one"
You are quite possibly the most irritating of the bunch. You're sexist, racist, and everything else-ist I can think of. You hit girls, and are destined to be a wife-beater when you're older, for sure. However I can always rely on you for some advice.. though never your support in an argument because you're so deep into your 'philosophy' crap ha. You always come with me to tesco when I need to go, and the trips are always guaranteed to be fun. I love you.
Livi: "The Gangsta One"
The name pretty much says it all, that and the fact you know the whole soldier boy dance. What other friend do I know that's cool enough to be able to do it step for step in kinki on a friday night? You're also the second geeky mathmetician I know (though to be fair no one can even come close to James' geek level), and you work so so hard. This does occasionally mean I don't get to see you nearly as often as I'd like, but I love that you host our weekly Gossip Girl nights. I now live for wednesday evenings! You're funny, amazing, and best of all, a true gangsterrr. I love you.
Jess: "The Welsh One"
It was between welsh and naive! I love your welshness, even though we all make fun of it from time to time, it's just one of those novel things like Emily's brummy-ness, or the fact that Ellie shouted out someone elses name in the boudoir! Daha. I love your frequent crazy outbursts such as 'rub-a-dub-dub, three men in a tub' and your crazy ways, such as crab bashing! Despite the almost-calling you boring scenario, you're one of the best people I know. I love you!
Jon: "The One-Liner One"
Again the name says it all! Despite occasionally being the quiet one of the group, you often come out with the funniest one liners of all of us - and prove you don't have to constantly be the center of attention of be one of the funniest! You're constantly doing all your work on time and making the rest of us feel guilty, but when you get up and out and DRUNK you are absolutely hilarious. Your dancing is great and I can only wish to have your moves, with or without drink inside me! I love you.