Oscar Hays was discovered in the Bay Ridge section of Brooklyn, NY in 1998 by talent scout and dog lover Aimee Howard (Morton Postalwhaite, Doug Levy). Upon recognizing his gift for song, she put him in contact with friend/music producer Art Hays (Terrence McGee, Polly Boneswallow), who immediately set to task recording and mentoring this rare find, not to mention also feeding and walking him.
Oscar has gained international notariety not only for his impressive vocal range, but also for his uncanny ability to dig deep into the lyrics of a song and bring out their full emotional impact. The song "SOB (Son Of A Bitch)" is just one example.
Oscar is currently in the studio recording a follow-up to his much heralded release, "Where's My Dinner?". It is tentatively titled, "Let Me Get Up On The Couch", and is set for a March release on Fur Person Records.
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