Rayhachelllll-x profile picture


About Me

They Call Me...Rahcel Judith Humphreys, Fiesta Ibiza Entertainer 2009, Blonde, Ibiza, Born & bread Clifton head, Single Babes, Dancer For 14 Years, NCN Adams Teaches Me BND Travel & Tourism, Parties, Fake Tan & Nails..Get Involved, Friends Mean EVERYTHING & MORE, Late night texts :) If yu wanna know more just add me..I wont bite :) [email protected]
Love yu all :)


My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I love times like this above. I can always think of amazing times with mii friends. Like waiting up til 4am waiting for people tu take me and jade tu macdonalds and never actually going, me and jake finding what, not butter! passing out people i just met, going tu amies house and crying over guys we used tu be with on valentines day, at hartington hall playing the yogart game and simon losing all sense of direction, in dancing with the name SPOCK! me singing tu 'apologize' down caseys ears, falling on sophie and it looking like we are havin sex, staying at sophies house writting mean letters tu gaz then kissing them and putting them under his door, burning mii flab at the gym with katie harro, a bird attacking katie ingles at work and going out and sitting in the middle of the road, joe commin tu our store and asking stella if she wants an examination, seb dancing tu christmas songs outside mii store, seb and katie ingles telling me that im doing a photoshoot with james dalby in good hotpants and gold bikini for condoms for a grand, me and katie harro gettin rain hair and talking about sex and condoms on the bus comming back from junktion7, sami dressed up as a nun at school, leanne putting a banana in her trousers at school, toni read spilling a pasta pot down her trousers at lunch one day and leanne cleaning her up with a mop, me and katie harro in the queue for Air at Alton towers, Going down mfn with Richard & Gemma, Me & Mike in Ibiza on stage, Me falling down the stairs in Ibiza, Me & Harro on her trampoline, Me & Adam on the sunbeds in Ibiza..Amazing times! That's Sooo Fetch :)

My Blog

Boyfriend Application lmao

Whats your Name?:Age?:Birthday?:Location?:Sexual Preference?:Height?:Weight?:Body Type?:Eye color?:Hair Color?:Favorite Bands?:Favorite Movies?:Religion?:Smoke?:Drink?:Drive?:Job?:Piercings?:Where ?:Ta...
Posted by on Wed, 04 Apr 2007 08:52:00 GMT

Mii quiz that I robbed off Ryan because I'm cool =]

DO MII QUIZ!!! Lol Onlii if yew wanna =] I would like yew to do it though =] xxx   1. Who are you?2. Are we friends?3. When and how did we meet?4. How have I affected you?5. What do you think of ...
Posted by on Wed, 07 Feb 2007 12:44:00 GMT


Welllllll Here I Am Bored Again ut Somewhat Amused LOL! Aniiwhooooo,,Omdz just watched that Charlie Vid LOL BARE Jokes! Haha! We're Going To Candy Mountain Charlie! Yeah Charlie We're Going To Candy ...
Posted by on Wed, 24 Jan 2007 12:50:00 GMT