Teflon_money talkz, and nigga i be translatin' profile picture

Teflon_money talkz, and nigga i be translatin'

FIND HEAVEN IN YOURSELF AND GOD.... Beauty is her name

About Me

Really Long Survey (over 200)
What is your name?: Shelton AKA Teflon
Are you named after anyone?: Yep, good old pops
What's your screename?: Teflon
Would you name a child of yours after you?: hellz naw!
If you were born a member of the opposite sex what would your name be?: Shelly, or Sheltonia, lol
If you could switch names with a friend who would it be?: Derron
Are there any mispronounciations/typos that ppl do w/ your name constantly?: sheldon
Would you drop your last name if you became famous?: nope
Your gender:: male
Straight/Gay/Bi:: straight
Single?: engaged
If not, do you want to be?: i'm good were i am
Birthdate:: 02-20-88
Your age:: 18
Age you act:: 45
Age you wish you were:: 24
Your height:: 5'10"
Eye color:: brown
Happy with it?: guess so
Hair color:: black
Happy with it?: yep
Lefty/righty/ambidextrous:: lucky leftie
Your living arrangement:: on tha way out tha "nest"
Your family:: wat about it?
Have any pets?: nope, they don't seem 2 survive very long wit me.
Whats your job?: pendin', lol. resturant
Piercings?: 1, earring stud
Tattoos?: 2 pendin'
Obsessions?: creatin' music
Addictions?: good music
Do you speak another language?: Espanol
Have a favorite quote?: all things happen 4 a reason
Do you have a webpage?: Defconentertainment.com
Deep Thoughts About Life and You in it
Do you live in the moment?: 2morrow is not promised
Do you consider yourself tolerant of others?: most definitely
Do you have any secrets?: not any big ones
Do you hate yourself?: no?!
Do you like your handwriting?: it could b better
Do you have any bad habits?: yep
What is the compliment you get from most people?: u can spit, son
If a movie was made about your life, what would it be called?: 100yrs. of bullshyt
What's your biggest fear?: failure
Can you sing?: not in public
Do you ever pretend to be someone else just to look cool?: no?!
Are you a loner?: sometime
What are your ..1 priorities in life?: Peace
If you were another person, would you be friends with you?: depends on how we met
Are you a daredevil?: not really
Is there anything you fear or hate about yourself?: my indecisiveness
Are you passive or agressive?: lil' of both, passive aggressive
Do you have a journal?: my rap book
What is your greatest strength and weakness?: my compassion 4 others
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?: my procrastination
Do you think you are emotionally strong?: no doubt
Is there anything you regret doing/not doing in life?: not livin' every moment like its my last
Do you think life has been good so far?: its definitely been interestin'
What is the most important lesson you've learned from life?: karma is real
What do you like the most about your body?: lol, wat i can do wit it.
And least?: my back, lol
Do you think you are good looking?: who doesn't think i'm good lookin', lol
Are you confident?: gotta b
What is the fictional character you are most like?: idk, good question. let me get back 2 u on that 1
Are you perceived wrongly?: wouldn't kno. i think i'm misunderstood some times. but who doesn't think that
Do You...
Smoke?: nope, swear 2 God!
Do drugs?: Nope, swear 2 God!
Read the newspaper?: not frequently
Pray?: not as much as i should
Go to church?: not as much as i should
Talk to strangers who IM you?: guess i do
Sleep with stuffed animals?: what type of homo...?
Take walks in the rain?: no
Talk to people even though you hate them?: nope
Drive?: yep
Like to drive fast?: no, i jus like 2 get where i'm goin' u feel?
Would or Have You Ever?
Liked your voice?: yea sure...? that was random
Hurt yourself?: no, i'm not loco, i jus act like it
Been out of the country?: yep
Eaten something that made other people sick?: idk
Been in love?: who hasn't?
Done drugs?: 4 tha last time no!, shyt
Gone skinny dipping?: nope, been invited though, lol
Had a medical emergency?: yeah
Had surgery?: hell yeah, that shyt ain't no joke
Ran away from home?: i wouldn't call it runnin' away, jus left
Played strip poker?: not poker, but something along those lines
Gotten beaten up?: never that.
Beaten someone up?: naw, i jus ruffed 'em up a lil' 4 fvckin' w/ me
Been picked on?: when i was lil', but i put an end 2 that real quick, lol
Been on stage?: yep
Slept outdoors?: yep
Thought about suicide?: next
Pulled an all nighter?: lol, yep
If yes, what is your record?: all nite, dumb ass
Gone one day without food?: yep
Talked on the phone all night?: naw, but until pretty early in tha mornin'
Slept together with the opposite sex w/o actually having sex?: yep, lol
Slept all day?: damn near
Killed someone?: my lawyer said not answer that 1 until afta trial, lol. sike naw
Made out with a stranger?: i had spunt a couple hours wit her, does that still count? we was horny, shyt. leave me alone
Had sex with a stranger?: damn, well i had been talkin' 2 her 4 a week.
Thought you're going crazy?: i'm always goin' crazy
Kissed the same sex?: hell no
Done anything sexual with the same sex?: what tha hell? hellz naw
Been betrayed?: 2 many times
Had a dream that came true?: all tha time
Broken the law?: my lawyer said....well...i plead tha fifth
Met a famous person?: yep, and i shoulda cut his ass when i had tha chance
Have you ever killed an animal by accident?: (drops head in shame)
On purpose?: ants(quietly walks out room)
Told a secret you swore you wouldn't tell?: not until it didn't matter anymore
Stolen anything?: tha fifth
Been on radio/tv?: yep, radio
Been in a mosh-pit?: i'm black
Had a nervous breakdown?: my life consist of nervious breakdowns strung 2 getha
Bungee jumped?: hell yeah. that was fun as hell
Had a dream that kept coming back?: yeah actually
Belive in life on other planets?: yeah
Miracles?: yeah
Astrology?: no
Magic?: no
God?: yeah
Satan?: yeah
Santa?: y wouldn't i? wat r u sayin'?
Ghosts?: spirits, if theres a difference
Luck?: not really, more like fate
Love at first sight?: it jus doesn't make sense 2 me. i believe in lust at first sight
Yin and yang (that good cant exist w/o bad)?: yeah
Witches?: naw
Easter bunny?: he owe me money, that nigga betta b real or thats comin' out tha tooth fairy's ass
Believe its possible to remain faithful forever?: if its love, anything is possible
Believe theres a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow?: dawg y u think i stay so fly. i live of rainbow money. no taxes either
Do you wish on stars?: i'm straight
Deep Theological Questions
Do you believe in the traditional view of Heaven and Hell?: no i think it will b different 4 each individual
Do you think God has a gender?: no
Do you believe in organized religion?: no
Where do you think we go when we die?: 2 another plain of existance
Do you have any gay/lesbian friends?: no, but they make me wonder sometime, lol. sike naw
Who is your best friend?: i have like 7 best friendz. they each hold me down. luv ya'll 4 that
Who's the one person that knows most about you?: probably T-ROB
What's the best advice that anyone has ever given to you?: Uncle Dot, lol, said 2 go wit tha flow instead of tryin' 2 force things into place
Your favourite inside joke?: pullin' a Tef, lmao
Thing you're picked on most about?: my 18 yr. marathon, lmao
Who's your longest known friend?: D.G. thats like blood rite there
Newest?: Ms. Tucker, or should i say Ms. Lee, lol
Shyest?: R Dot
Funniest?: S.E. nigga always on joke time
Sweetest?: Melissa
Closest?: T-ROB
Weirdest?: Nevil
Smartest?: T-ROB
Ditziest?: Hav
Friends you miss being close to the most?: Hav & D.G.
Last person you talked to ..?: R Dot
Who do you talk to most ..?: S.E.
Who are you on the phone with most?: T-ROB
Who do you trust most?: None of ya'll niggaz. lol, sike naw i trust all of 'em
Who listens to your problems?: everybody, we come 2 each other all tha time
Who do you fight most with?: Nevil & T-ROB.....figures
Who's the nicest?: Melissa or Hav
Who's the most outgoing?: S and R Dot
Who's the best singer?: S and Hav
Who's on your shit-list?: nobody rite now.
Have you ever thought of having sex with a friend?: wat?! naw man. thats family 2 me
Who's your second family?: i got like so many 2nd homes its crazy
Do you always feel understood?: nope
Who's the loudest friend?: hands down u kno....that nigga S, lol!
Do you trust others easily?: actually i do. thats my bigest flaw. i give tha benifit of tha doubt often
Who's house were you last at?: Nevil's
Name one person who's arms you feel safe in:: nobody's rite now
Do your friends know you?: each kno's a different part of me
Friend that lives farthest away:: Hav and D.G.... hold it down 4 me, my nigz!!!
Love and All That
Do you consider love a mistake?: there r no mistakes. everything is fate
What do you find romantic?: tha small things, that mean she actually cares, like goin' out her way 4 me
Turn-on?: an aggressive woman
Turn-off?: attitude
First kiss?: passionate
If someone u had no interest in had interest in dating u how would u feel?: like makin' some moves, u kno
Do you prefer knowing someone before dating them or going: doesn't matter.
Have u ever wished it was more socially acceptable 4 a girl 2 ask a guy out: yes
Have you ever been romantically attracted to someone physically unattractiv: i think so
Do you think the opposite sex finds you good looking?: yep
What is best about the opposite sex?: compassion and comfort
What is the worst thing about the opposite sex?: devious and deceitful
What's the last present someone gave you?: gram, my uncle and mom dukes gave me a laptop 4 my graduation
Are you in love?: naw, but i think i'm on tha way
Do you consider your significant other hot?: yep
Who Was the Last Person...
That haunted you?: wat?!
You wanted to kill?: my brotha. nigga is a lil' snitch
That you laughed at?: myself, i pulled a funny ass prank 2day
That laughed at you?: idk, i was 2 busy la
That turned you on?: my boo. she was tryin' 2 talk all dirty 2 me
You went shopping with?: idk
That broke your heart?: lol, i don't get my heart broken, i jus get let down
To disappoint you?: my mans
To ask you out?: my prom date
To make you cry?: haven't cried in years. not tryin' 2 b macho, jus don't cry 2 much anymore, ran outta tears, u kno
To brighten up your day?: my boo
That you thought about?: my boo
You saw a movie with?: T-ROB
You talked to on the phone?: my boo
You talked to through IM/ICQ?: some1 i'm takin' 2 prom
You saw?: some1 i'm takin' 2 prom
You lost?: haven't lost anybody that i recall
Right This Moment...
Are you going out?: jus got back
Will it be with your significant other?: JUST GOT BACK!!!
Or some random person?: random
What are you wearing right now?: my socks, lol. sike naw sum shorts that i sleep in
Body part you're touching right now:: who touches themselves while fillin' out a survey? is that a turn on?
What are you worried about right now?: graduation
What book are you reading?: bout 2 read stolen legacy
What's on your mousepad?: a calender
Use 5 words to describe how you're feeling:: from sun up 2 sun down
Are you bored?: yep
Are you tired?: yep
Are you talking to anyone ..?: yep
Are you talking to anyone on the phone?: nope
Are you lonely or content?: content
Are you listening to music?: always
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My Interests

Family First My 2nd Family, Lucci, Robin & T.J. My Mom Dukez, Nikki and Mom Duce Mom 2, My Grandmotha was tha Minister and my New God Father Quincy, Cornell, Me, Moses


Hood 2 Hood That nigga Yung Hav Tha Homie Von Cuz'n Rob and Ron


THAT GFC-FLY IS A WAY TO LIVE...!!! Jimmy Jump aka S.E. Richie Roscoe aka R-Dot Hitman Hesus aka T-ROB Freddy Fingaz aka CEZO Montana MuthaFu**kin' Money Makin' Max aka Ace Sammy Smack aka Majik C College Is My Hustle Pop Pop aka Joe Ill Will aka Will R.I.S. aka Rod Ice Cold 3000 aka Anthony Hamilton aka Reggie


Welcome 2 My Sag Corner Muffinz aka Lia Raven aka Melissa Defcon til tha Death...!!! D.G. Tha General Lady-X Tha 1st Lady


Everything Anyone Ever Wanted To Know About You
The Basic Stuff
Name?: Teflon
Age?: 19
Height?: ???? 5'9"
Weight?: ??? 150-160
Birthday?: Feb. 20 since u 4got...lol
Birthplace?: Pittsburgh, Pa.....tha burgh, niggaz
Current Location?: Murdaland
School/Grade?: college freshmen
Zodiac Sign?: pisces
Chinese Zodiac Sign?: dragon
Righty or Lefty?: lucky lefty
Haircolor?: black
Eyecolor?: brown
Skin Color?: brown skinned
About You
What's Your Family Situation (Parents, Siblings, etc)?: idk wat u mean, i have 3 lil' broz. and my mom dukez...
Any Pets?: god no, they don't tend 2 live long under my care
If So What Are They?: dead, lol...sike naw, thatz fucked up...
Favorite Relative?: mom dukez..{jus 2 b on tha safe side}
Least Favorite Relative?: i don't have one, i love 'em all...lol
What's Your Heritage/Race?: y, are u racist...!?!?!?! lol...sike naw, black man
Political Affilation?: don't have one
Love & Sex
Sexuality?: heterosexual....
Are You In A Relationship Now?: sorta
If So, With Whom?: my boo {queen B} lol
For How Long?: so far itz been about a month n a half, but i plan on it goin' alot farther...
Are You In Love?: i said i wouldn't say...lol
Do You Have A Crush On Anyone?: wow, u don't listen 2 shyt....lol
Ever Had A Crush On Someone Of The Same Sex?: what, no...??? no homo dawg, i'ma need a card 4 that one...
How Old Were You When You Had Your First Kiss?: ummmm...???? i think like 13, i guess
Virgin?: no
If Not, How Old Were You When You Had Sex For The First Time?: 17
Was It Enjoyable?: ....lol...unfortunately not
What's The Farthest You've Ever Gone?: idk, u have 2 elaborate....lol
Where Do You Most Like To Be Kissed?: ....i'll settle 4 tha lipz...lol
Best Love Quote?: love might b a mistake, but itz worth makin'...
Your Friends
Best?: {in order of appearance}D.G.,Hav, T-ROB, S.E., R-Dot, Lia, Raven, G, Cezo
How Many Do You Have?: 9, jus a select few
More Guys Or Girls?: more niggaz
Love Them All?: no homo...yea, they my heart
Any You Wish You Were Closer To?: yea
Oldest?: Cezo
Newest?: Cezo, lol....but thatz my niggaz from front street
Pen Pal?: no, itz 2007
Friends And Words: Associate Them
Pen: G
Flower: T-ROB, {high skool}
Pink: Bree
Window: Lia
Heart: D.G.
Mother: Raven
Bread: Hav
Insane: S.E.
Sunglasses: S.E.
Pimp: Cezo, lmao
Cross: G
Lonely: idk
Car: T-ROB
Music: R-Dot
This Or That
Boxers or Briefs?: boxers
Thongs or G-Strings?: 4 her, suprise me...lol
Shorts or Pants?: pantz
Shoes or Barefeet?: shoes if we out, sox if we not
Books or Movies?: i hate 2 admit it but, movies
Night or Day?: night
Dark or Light?: dimmed light
Mountains or Beach?: beach
Snow or Sun?: sun
Pepsi or Coke?: pepsi
Guys or Girls?: ...??? gurlz
Swim or Surf?: swim, but i wanna try surfin'...lol
For or Against
Gay Marriage?: as long as it ain't me, do u...
Abortion?: sorta against, but i'm more in tha middle
Bush Getting Re-elected?: AGAINST, WHO DUMBAZZ VOTED 4 HIM, WE LOOKIN' 4 U...
Suicide?: against, itz nothing u can sovle by dying
War?: against, but sometimes itz needed
Pants?: not while she wit me...lol
Clothes In General?: they get in tha way...
Color?: Black, gray and red
Number?: 8
Holiday?: feb. 20
Season?: spring, outside of tha allergy
Movie?: Lucky Number Sleven/ Taledega Nightz
Book?: Tha Bible
Magazine?: xxl
Food?: steak and cheese
Drink?: absolute or everclear
TV Show?: seinfield
Song?: too hard 2 choose
Band?: again...
Computer Game?: solitaire or command and conquer
Video Game?: nba street
Anime/Manga?: idk...???
Shirt?: laugh now cry later
Pants?: rocawear
Actor?: will ferrel
Actress?: idk
Singer?: marvin gaye
Flower?: idk...
Scent?: orange
Animal?: black panther
Cookie?: snickerdoodlez
The Future
Want To Go To College?: in college
What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up?: happy
Want To Get Married?: yep...
Want To Have Kids?: yea
What Would Their Names Be?: dion, and idk...
How Many?: 2, boi and gurl
Where Do You Want To Live?: idk yet
Where Do You Want To Get Married?: idk, a church mayb
How Do You Want To Die?: with peace of mind
More Stuff About You
Piercings?: yep
Tattoos?: yea
Smoke?: nope
Drink?: yea, lol...
Do Drugs?: nope
Skinny Dip?: nope
Greatest Fear?: mayb 2 not reach my dream...
Chocolate or Vanilla?: vanilla
Go To Church?: yea, but i need 2 go more
Religion?: christian, batist
Scars?: not physically
CDs Owned?: all tha good hip-hop, soul {oldies and new r&b}, and some variety type stuff
Collections?: not really
Like To Be Naked?: not by myself, lol...
Ever Eaten Sushi?: nope
An Entire Case Of Oreos?: nope
Been On Stage?: yep...
Danced In The Rain?: nope
Kissed Someone Of The Same Sex?: ...dawg, u lost all three cardz...!!! fuckin' faggot...!!!
Weirdest Dream?: THA CANNED GOODZ...LMAO....{S.E.}
Best Dream?: my future bride
Saddest Dream?: when i foresee ppl dying
Dream You Most Wish Would Come True?: idk
Think You're Attractive?: who doesn't...{think i'm attractive}
Shoplifted?: ...i never snitch...
Been Caught "Doing Something"?: sure...
Weirdest Makeout Place?: tha woodz...lol
Like Thunderstorms?: a lil' bit
Favorite Shoes?: timz
Favorite Quote?: preception is everything when deception is everywhere
Best Advice Given?: don't listen 2 outside influences do u/ do wat makez u happy
Worst Advice Given?: i don't give bad advice
Favorite Song Lyric?: life's a bitch and then u die....
What Quote Says Most About Your Life?: life's a bitch and then u die....
Glad This Is Over?: bout time, u faggot...!!!
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anyone over 21 in tha hood.. width="425" height="350" ..

My Blog

Everyone Can't Be in Your Front Row

Posted by Teflon_money talkz, and nigga i be translatin' on Wed, 25 Apr 2007 04:28:00 PST

Roses Are Red, Violetz Are Blue

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Street Sermonz

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2 many ppl are afraid 2 b wrong/rejected....love, live, life

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Teflon: 100 yrs. of Gayness (Season outline)

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