Audiences, Arbitrage opportunities, Geopolitical trends, Hardtail on singletrack, Christmas cake, working on old Volvos, Jags, BMWs, MGs, the odd ski here and there, lying under a tree with a good book ALL DAY; jumping into the river off hot rocks on a summer day, pickup football, my family and wicked friends, socializing, mockery, tomfoolery, Sunday brunch with a newspaper.
Class Clowns, Dilettantes, Entrepreneurial kindred spirits, the idle rich, aspiring film-makers, musicians, and stand-up comics. Those who love that second after the stage fright goes and you know whatever you're doing is working.
Lately: Sarah McLachlan (whatta voice!) Jay-Z (SOLID sound, clever lyrics at times) Duane Eddy (Rebel Rouser--enginelike guitar) Travis (Invisible Band, Driftwood are lovely once you're in) Johnny Cash--Folsom Prison Blues is a rock of song. Guilty pleasures: Strokes-Is This It--best concert I've been to--outside in the summer in Osaka with polite, clean-cut, enthusiastic Japanese fans, the guys in the band were SO clearly out of their minds... When I was a kid, I liked the Beatles, Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Led Zepp, early Van Halen,
Pet Sematary Office Space Pulp Fiction Perfect World
Don't own a TV. I watch the odd American Football game at the bar.
Lucky Jim: Kingsley Amis The Mayor of Casterbridge: Thomas Hardy Cannery Row: Steinbeck The Last Convertible: (?) Different Seasons: Stephen King--three of these four stories were made into movies, including Stand By Me and The Shawshank Redemption
Jim Brown of the Cleveland Browns, much more than just an amazing football player...Terry Fox, for his courage...Chris Farley, comedic genius...Junichiro Koizumi, for having the guts to drag Japan kicking and screaming into the 21st Century. Easily greatest post-war PM.