LostControl profile picture


*not all who wander are lost*

About Me

Hello,my name is Janis. I have an interesting life from time to time :) Recently I moved to San Diego from Maryland, my husband is military so we get around alot. I was born and raised in Ohio. We have a little boy, hes 4 yr. old and very smart for his age. Its great. I love my family and try to make the best out of everything. I have a little beagle and we named him Franky :) lol We have 2 cats and they have special personalities. Its fuckin funny as hell. Well, I guess all left I could say about me is that Im pagan, I believe in myself and I believe in the gods. I believe in life and I love nature. Because diety dwells within us and all around us. I like improving myself in any way I can taking it one step at a time. I like change it makes me feel like a different person all the time just so I dont get bored. I love meeting new people everyday so leave me a comment or send a friend request all are welcome! ~~~~~

My Interests

I love music and Im a big out doors person.Im not afraid to get dirty and I love to go the park and on hikes stuff like that.I love camping though I rarely get the chance to go anymore, but when I do go its alot of fun! Im a big animal lover, the only creatures left on this Earth that take only what they need to survive and nothing else.POSITIVE PIT MEDIA VIDEO ..
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I'd like to meet:

I like to meet people who are semi interesting and not so full of themselves. It's one thing to think you'r a good person, but it's definitly not ok to walk around thinking you'r better then everyone else. So unless you'v cured a disease or made some kind of change in the world to make it better get off you'r high horse and join us back on Earth! I like to meet people who arn't afraid to voice their opinion, even if you'r afraid you'll be made fun of. And of course I would like to meet John Lennon, who I'm pretty sure is now a cat :)
Myspace Cursors

Demystifying Paganism

Pagan, Paganism, Pagans, Deity, Divine, God, Goddess, gods, polytheistic, polytheism, devil, satan, persecution, lies, peace, unity, understanding, Yeshua, Jesus, Mithra, Christmas, Holiday, easter, bible, religion, spirituality, spiritual, spirit, religious, worship, devil worship, sermon, preacher, church, misconception, stigma, harm none, Wicca, Wiccan, monotheistic, Mormon, LDS, later day saints, Yehovah, Jehovah, Matthew, New Testament, Old Testament, Christmas Tree, Easter Egg, Santa, Policeman, fireman, doctor, dentist, babysit,


I love music,all kinds.But some of my favorite would have to be...John Butler,Dave Matthews,Nirvana,Sublime,Grateful Dead,Janis Joplin(love her!!)Slipknot,Disturbed,Bjork, Amy Lee,Kittie,Mushroom Head,Jonny Cash,Ekoostic Hookah,System of a Down,Mudvayne,Weezer,Offspring,Ozzy,Tool,Rusted Root,CCR,NothingFace,Type O Negetive,The Doors,The Beatles and alot more!!


I dont watch alot of tv but I do like movies such as Pulp Fiction, almost any Mel Gibon or Bruce Willis movies,I like Keanu Reeves movies especially Devils Advocate,Rob Zombies new movies ( he is so weird, its great)Horror movies. The Nightmare Before Christmas, Saving Private Ryan,Full Metal Jacket,Thelma and Louis,Erin Brokovich, Pretty Woman, The Punisher and Disney movies are always good.Oh and yes I like the new Sponge Bob movie to. lol


i dont watch alot of tv, but when I do I like CSI..r{} retro layout @ HOT FreeLayouts.com


I just read Berlin Wild, it was good. I don't regret a thing :) I like The Collected Poem's of Emily Dickenson and Pagan Poetry. Almost anything by Gerina Dunwich including Everyday Wicca and Scott Cunningham. I'v read Necronomican, although I didn't understand a single word so don't ask. lol I read it all the way through thinking I'd get it by the end, but nothing...


People that are fighting for animals rights. And of course our military.

My Blog

Quote a genius

A small body of determined spirit's fired by an unquenchable faith in their mission can alter the course of history.   First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you...
Posted by Peaches and Cream on Fri, 27 Oct 2006 01:22:00 PST

Poem by Emily Dickenson

I should not dare to leave my friend, Because- because if he should die While I was gone, and I too late- Should reach the heart that wanted me; If I should disappoint the eyes that hunted, hunted so...
Posted by Peaches and Cream on Fri, 26 May 2006 10:57:00 PST

Stop Blaming Myspace!

Anybody happen to catch Nightline last night on ABC? In case you didn't, one of the hot topics discussed was MySpace. It is no secret to anyone who reads the newspaper or watches the 6 o'clock news th...
Posted by Peaches and Cream on Thu, 25 May 2006 10:04:00 PST