I love music and Im a big out doors person.Im not afraid to get dirty and I love to go the park and on hikes stuff like that.I love camping though I rarely get the chance to go anymore, but when I do go its alot of fun! Im a big animal lover, the only creatures left on this Earth that take only what they need to survive and nothing else.POSITIVE PIT MEDIA VIDEO
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I like to meet people who are semi interesting and not so full of themselves. It's one thing to think you'r a good person, but it's definitly not ok to walk around thinking you'r better then everyone else. So unless you'v cured a disease or made some kind of change in the world to make it better get off you'r high horse and join us back on Earth! I like to meet people who arn't afraid to voice their opinion, even if you'r afraid you'll be made fun of. And of course I would like to meet John Lennon, who I'm pretty sure is now a cat :)
Myspace Cursors
I love music,all kinds.But some of my favorite would have to be...John Butler,Dave Matthews,Nirvana,Sublime,Grateful Dead,Janis Joplin(love her!!)Slipknot,Disturbed,Bjork, Amy Lee,Kittie,Mushroom Head,Jonny Cash,Ekoostic Hookah,System of a Down,Mudvayne,Weezer,Offspring,Ozzy,Tool,Rusted Root,CCR,NothingFace,Type O Negetive,The Doors,The Beatles and alot more!!
I dont watch alot of tv but I do like movies such as Pulp Fiction, almost any Mel Gibon or Bruce Willis movies,I like Keanu Reeves movies especially Devils Advocate,Rob Zombies new movies ( he is so weird, its great)Horror movies. The Nightmare Before Christmas, Saving Private Ryan,Full Metal Jacket,Thelma and Louis,Erin Brokovich, Pretty Woman, The Punisher and Disney movies are always good.Oh and yes I like the new Sponge Bob movie to. lol
i dont watch alot of tv, but when I do I like CSI..r{} retro layout @ HOT FreeLayouts.com
I just read Berlin Wild, it was good. I don't regret a thing :) I like The Collected Poem's of Emily Dickenson and Pagan Poetry. Almost anything by Gerina Dunwich including Everyday Wicca and Scott Cunningham. I'v read Necronomican, although I didn't understand a single word so don't ask. lol I read it all the way through thinking I'd get it by the end, but nothing...
People that are fighting for animals rights. And of course our military.