The Champion of the World profile picture

The Champion of the World


About Me

Rehaul needed. In the works. Maybe.

My Interests

Music. Video games. Waxing philosophical at 3am. Singing (NOT ON REQUEST). Beautiful women (that is to say, nearly all of them). Cheese. The sea. Not sucking.

I'd like to meet:

Your mom...when she has her clothes on. OH SNAP.Um...people who don't suck. Maybe even awesome people.On a mildly serious note, if you wish to contact me, my AIM is listed below. If you use "lol", "OMG", or "ur", or if your sentences look like "DOOD IM SO KOOL I WNT MOAR LOL BRB GTG L8Z" without sarcasm or jest, please forget that I told you my sn. Then go play in traffic.AIM SN: SuperBassX84


My music tastes are best described as "eclectic," but then most people would describe their music that way, so it's really not all that original. I know what I like and I suppose that's the simplest way to put it. If I like something, I like it. If I don't, I don't. I don't usually know until I hear it. If I think your music sucks, I will likely tell you so. You shouldn't take it personally. Unless you're one of those hardcore emo kids, in which case you'll probably take it personally, write a poem about it in blood, cry for a few days, and include me in your 17th suicide letter that you wrote but never actually went through with.


I'm not a real big movies guy. Maybe it's that my friends don't watch 'em that much. Maybe it's that I never seem to end up with a girl that wants to watch movies. Regardless, movies don't do a whole lot for me. I have a few I like, Monty Python movies high on the list, but it's really not worth listing them because I can't quote much of them at will like most people can with their favorite movies.PS - Just watched Shoot 'Em Up. Best movie in the world.


I don't watch television. I haven't in a long, long time. I have no desire to. 99.9% of it is garbage anyway. There are a few choice shows I'll watch from time to time, however. No, I won't tell you what they are.


I go through odd spurts of reading. I'll read like a fiend for a few months and then won't read much at all for a year or more.As it stands, I'm about due for one of those spurts of reading. However, I need to find a book that interests me in the appropriate way to go into said spurt. Most things just sorta roll off and I stop after two chapters.


You. Did you ever know that you're my hero? You're everything I could hope to be. With you I fly higher than an eagle, you are the wind beneath my wings.In all seriousness, the only person who's ever really made me consistently think about life and inspired me to do better is my former college choral director, Dr. Robert Page. Props also to my family, for reasons that I won't list due to obviousness.