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My 1968 Dodge Charger will get about 3 miles to the gallon, But it'll only take 72 seconds to go tho

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My Interests

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Hmm?.I like skydiving. I like cars of course. I do a little art. I like to do pencil drawings. I LOVE sports. I like to play them more than watch them, but I still watch football. I love my Katana 600. I like to make people laugh. I love my family. I like cats. :) Here kitty kitty kitty

Add to My Profile | More Videos I like being reckless but I don?t like to put other people in danger. I like to try things that I am interested in, and not care about what it makes people think about me.

MySpace Avatars Lyrics
I love surfing, and I miss the beach. Surf board rental

Add to My Profile | More Videos I HATE winter, and I mostly hate snow. But I would like it to always snow for like a week around Christmas. But then I want it to go away again. And I HATE cold weather. I wish I could live where it never gets cold. Hmmm?.I like playing video games with other people, but there aren?t many that I like to play alone. Though I used spell check for all this stuff on my page, I can?t spell at all. My sister and I hanging out

Add to My Profile | More Videos And I am very forgetful. But only with unimportant stuff for the most part. My biggest goal for my future is to get married some day, and have a family. Not much else really matters to me, except for the family I already have. But I?m motivated to start my career so that I will be able to support my family. I?m kind of shy, because the things I look for in a girl, I can?t tell about them just by looking at them. Plus I just don?t want to be rude. But after I meet someone I warm up quickly. And I?ve never been accused of being boring.

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Funny Cats

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I'd like to meet:

A girl who I can trust, will tell me when something's wrong, and will ALWAYS be honest with me, and if she says she loves me she means it and won't just stop all of a sudden. And I want someone that knows that if I say somthing I mean it. And won't try to read stuff into what I do. I want someone who is athletic, and can maybe beat me in some sports. so I have to try harder. And it would be cool if she was a thrill seeker so we could go sky diving together and stuff, but she doesn't have to be. I want someone who isn't too proud and allows me to help her when she's sick or sad. I like girls who are talented but it isn't a prerequisite. But I have to admit, piano can be very sexy. I don't like big attitudes, and girls that are full of them self's, cause then there isn't any room for me. I like a girl that knows they are beautiful but doesn't feel like she needs to prove it to everyone. I also like to talk about things like religion, the meaning of life, and other things that let my imagination wonder, and it would be nice to date someone who could keep up and even have some input. I also want some one who I can be goofy with though. Because I like to play around alot. And I love to make the girl I'm with laugh. I don't mind jealous girls, cause I take it as a compliment and that they don't want to loose me. I don't care about if she is kinky or anything like that. I don't care if she is a good kisser cause I'll teach you and it'll be easy for you if we are in love. The same goes for weather she is good in bed or not. Besides that shouldn't happen till we're maried and in love. So you know it will be worth the wait. :) I just want a girl that I can give my all to, and she won't take it and run. I want someone who I can be in love with like its our first time weather it is or not. I want to get married some day so I want a team mate. And I want her to value that over everything else, because that's what I'll be doing. I want the girl next door. u=51499811" / ..
*The Ultimate About Me Survey*:

Name: Kirk
DOB: 12/07/83
Birthplace: Don't know
Current location: P.A.
Eye color: Hazel
Hair Color: Brown
Height: 6'
Heritage: Whity :) German and some other stuff I think
Piercings: One in my left ear, but it took a few tries, so there may be like 3 holes
Tattoos: Barbed wire around my right arm, And my NEW BACK TATTOO! :)
Band/Singer: right now? Flyleaf
Song: Fully alive
Genre of Music: Anything but "80's"
Color(s): silver
TV show(s): LOST, Over There,Day Break, Robot chicken, Truck's, and what ever else I feel like watching
Movie(s): Die Hard's, Top Gun, Scar Face, Monty Python, and ALOT more.
Food: Pizza, Cheese Burgers, KFC, you know American stuff
Store: Best Buy!!!
#: 100? I guess
Drink: Gatorade
Clothing Brand: KOHL's j/k I guess American Eagle
Shoe Brand: Converse, and Nike
Animal: Tigger's
Pizza topping: EVERYTHING, Except for raw fish, and pine apples, and anything else that doesn't belong on pizze.
Season: Salt....just kidding. :) SUMMER!!
Month: December, because its Christmas, AND my birthday
Holiday: Christmas, and my birthday :)
Flower: wtf?
This or That:
Sunny or rainy: Sunny for GOD'S SAKE
Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate I guess
Fruit or veggie: Witch ever I'm in the mood for
Night or day: depends whats going on
Sour or sweet: sweet I guess
Love or money: LOVE
Phone or in person: IN PERSON
Poor & happy or rich & miserable: HAPPY
Looks or personality: Personality, but not like full of them self's, Like fun to be around. :)
Coffee or tea: Neather
Hot or cold: HOT....oh are you still talking about the tea and coffee thing?
Goal for this year: 365 days :)
Most missed memory: my dad
Best physical feature: just ask my ex-girlfriend....j/k my eye's
First thought waking up: beep beep.....rebooting.............error
Do you wanna get married: HELL YES!!
Do you wanna have kids: Yep
If so, how many: 2 a boy and a girl
Do you wanna go to college: yep
What do you want to be: Me with money
Do You:
Dance in the rain: Don't have anyone to dance with :(
Smoke: nope
Drink: no-ish...I mean.....not that much
Shower daily: YES!!
Like thunderstorms: yeah
Curse: Not alot, but I'm stoping
Sing: yep
Play an instrument: I use to play the drum's, and I mess around on my guitar
Think you are good looking: no but everyone else does. :D
Get along with your parents: My mom but not exactly with my dad
Other Questions:
Can you whistle: sort of
Right or left handed: Right
Your bedtime: 8 hour's before I have to get up
Biggest fear: midgets, and wale's
3 things you can't live without: Love, Family, and Cell Phone
Color of your room: Black and White
Siblings: Bro and Sis and now a half brother 2
Middle name: Daniel
Pets: Black Cat
Nicknames: Captian, Kirky, Rambo, Button, Soldier, Sexfulness (don't ask), Bunny, Babe, Gunny, Monkey, and NO Bad
For or against gay marriage: Against for the most part, But I'm strongly against gay couple's adopting
Thoughts ..ion: BAD
If you could be anywhere right now where would you be: Where ever my future wife is
Do you wear contacts/glasses: Nope I got Lasered
Are you afraid of the dark: nope
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Nirvana, Chevelle, Linkin Park,Foo Fighters, DMX, 50 Cent but I hate Eminem, Kanye West, Snoop Dawg,30 seconds to mars,

MySpace Avatars Lyrics
Welcome to Jamrock, Sean Paul, Green Day,Paramore I like emergancy, Flyleaf, Justin Timberlake, Blue october Hate me, Snow Patrol chasimg cars, I'm an off and on Korn fan, HOME MADE MUSIC VIDEO'S ?

Add to My Profile | More Videos Lonely no more from Rob Thomas, Bush, some Feul, some Nickelback, Puddle of Mud, Three Days Grace,

MySpace Avatars Lyrics
, Some of Fall out boys' stuff, Some of TI's stuff, the red hot chilli pepers,Some of the Killers stuff, And ALOT more. Like classical, some country even, and even some trance or dance stuff, but I have to be in the mood for that.......... I guess I like alot of difforent stuff, but I hate 80's stuff. I like anything with alot of bass, a good beat, and/or strong meaning.


Top Gun, Austin Powers 1, 2, and most of all 3, All Die Hards, Scar Face, the Airplane movies, Monty Python, Scary Movie 3, and Naked Gun,and a hole lot more.

I love movies. I could make a bigger movie section than my music section. But my profile's getting too big. :) BUT CHECK OUT MY STICK PEOPLE MOVIE I MADE. IT'S AN EPIC!!! YOU HAVE TO SEE THIS!!!! Sticks and Stones

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MXC, Green Screen Show, LOST, Over There, DAY BREAK, Robot Chicken but sometimes not so much, Spike TV, and Music Videos. My Love - Justin Timberlake

Add to My Profile | More Videos I freakin love music video's Gnarls Barkley "Crazy"

Add to My Profile | More Videos Heck yeah music video's Linkin Park - What Ive Done

Add to My Profile | More Videos Woohoo music video's I'm So Sick

Add to My Profile | More Videos Holy crap more music video's "Tell Me" ft Christina Aguilera

Add to My Profile | More Videos These guys ROCKED live... music video's You Decide

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I made it all the way through high school, some comunity college, and even the air force without reading a single book. :) The crowning achievement of my life. But it's also the reason I can't spell at ALL. :( But I finally read my first book. :) It was actually really good, and had a suprise ending.
Myspace Stuff It was "Modern Real Estate Practice in Pennsylvania 10th edition" To tell the truth I almost fell asleep a bunch of times reading it. I don't get why people would read for fun. But what ever. I also read the Bible......But I haven't finished it yet. :)

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to be honest? Jesus, even though it sounds corney. My mom, and my Paster. They all saved.

My Blog

Kirk's Quote's

   "Age alone has no affect on the soul."    "When faced with a decision,      Don't just do something because everyone else is doing it,    &nb...
Posted by Kirk on Tue, 08 May 2007 11:06:00 PST


  This is the poem I wrote after the big breakup. It actually helped to put the way I felt into a short poem. But I'm not really the type to put my feelings into writing. So this is kind of impor...
Posted by Kirk on Mon, 19 Feb 2007 08:06:00 PST


      When I was about 3 years old I saw the movie Top Gun. And since then I've watched it probably about 100 times. And I've always wanted to fly. The first time I was in a ...
Posted by Kirk on Mon, 18 Dec 2006 11:57:00 PST