betsy profile picture


Don't let them mold your thought it's mind control

About Me

I'm married to a great guy named Jeff. I am in the middle of adopting my first child and cannot wait until I get to meet her. She is going to change my life soo much but that's a good thing.
In a Past Life...
I was: A Gorgeous Fortune Teller.

Where I Lived: India.

How I Died: Lovesickness. Who Were You In a Past Life?..

My Interests

I am 40% Weird
Normal enough to know I'm weird...
But too damn weird to do anything about it! How Weird Are You?


My favorite artist for the last 20 years has been Bob Marley - I know, don't I get bored with the same songs from an artist that has been dead for as long as I have been in love with him? Bob is never boring. Also thanks to his family and other artists, I get to hear new songs, new versions, and better quality songs, not to mention all the videos that have been released. I remember in the 80s I craved everything Bob and it was hard to find stuff I didn't already have. I also love his kids' music. My favorite is Stephen. Check out his weak website at You can listen to how great his voice and songs are. The other bro's are also worth a listen. They are all very unique.I also like the Dead (I know another oldie), Yonder Mtn String Band (they have a new album out May 9th that is worth a listen at their website, Jack Johnson, John Mayer, John Brown's Body, David Lindley, Kan'Nal. Go to for some great music. The are AWESOME in concert - there are a few videos of them in concert too. So much good music and not enough time to list it or listen to it!


I've been watching Indian movies lately. I just saw Salaam Namaste, Water and Taxi. I like John Abraham and Saif Ali Khan. I have to drive about 20 miles to this Indian store/movie rental place to get the movies so I don't get to watch as many as I'd like.


Your 80s Hunk Is
John Stamos Who's Your 80s Hunk?


Just finished a few good books this past year - 3 Cups of Tea; Into the Wild; Eat, Love, Pray. Also read a few about China - Lost Daughters of China and Life and Death in Shanghhai. Americans don't know how good we have it....


Robert Nesta Marley My Mom - She's always been there for me